I have read all manner of supposed gynecomastia treatments of late, most of which are very questionable to say the least- as to their effects on the male endocrine system or gynecomastia.
It has become obvious that some pepole are looking for a a cheap, non invasive, non medical approach to tackling the problem.
So I am going to detail some things that an individual may do that "might" make a real difference and help reduce their gynecomastia, with might being the operative word. They obviously have a much lower rate of success than Surgery and in no way does the following replace the need to go and see an endocrinologist for hormone pathology/investigations.
All of the information below orignates form Eugene Shippen M.D endocrinologist with the exception of the section on DIMS.
Of all the minerals, Zinc stands out because of the classic deficiency studies that demonstrated the dramatic interference with normal hypothalamic/pituitary function caused by its lack. Severe deficency literally halted changes of puberty in teenage boys, effects which werte rapidly reversed when zinc was restored to normal levels. There would be little need to write about such bizare situations if zinc deficiency were rare. But National Health and Nutrition Surveys- NHANES I, II and III- performed over the last thirty years have consistently shown deficient intake in large segments of society, particularly the aging population.
Zinc inhibits levels of aromatase the testosterone to estrogen converter. Take at least the RDA limit of zinc, Dr Eugene Shippen M.D recomends taking 50mg of Zinc a day to his patients.
Vitamin C
Enhances the pituitary glands responsiveness to changes in hormone levels. Also low levels of vitamin C have been shown to increase levels of aromatase. Take at least the RDA limit. Dr Eugene Shippen recommends his patients to take 1-3 grams a day, which might seem to be very large doses, but there are no studies indicating adverse effects at this level, and animals that produce their own vitamin C manufacture at least their own body weight of the equivalent dose.
B Complex Vitamins
All the B vitamins are important in cellular functions. The B vitamin most likely to be beneficial for its pituitary function is vitamin B6 because of its ability to decrease secretion of prolactin, an inhibitor of the gonadotropins. Take to RDA levels.
Resveratrol add it to your diet
Is a recently discovered grape skin extract, made from certain varieties of red grapes, which has been reported to be one of the key substances that givesgrapes and wine protective health benefits- including cancer protection and reduction of cardio vascular disease and strokes. It improves the functioning of the Livers important P450 system allowing the body to more effectively remove/metabolise excess estrogens.
Eat more Soy
What is odd about soy is that it contains phyto estrogens which in the past appeared to be bad, certainly they are in the context of alcoholic beverages like beer. But It would now appear not to be so with soy. Soy food acts as a weak anti estrogen!! Soy is very similar in chemical structure to human estrogens but is weaker. Typically such estrogens have only about 1/500 the active effect of estradiol, the most active human estrogen. High levels of this phytoestrogen competes with the female hormone for receptor sites in your body, blocks its actions- which can block some pituitary function and stimulates the P450 system in the liver to more actively process and excrete estrogen.
Eat more Cruciferous vegetables
Broccoli and Cauliflower stimulate the burning off of estrogen via the marked improvements that they afford the livers P450 system.
Avoid Anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDS and antidepressants when and were possible as they can reduce the effectiveness of the P450 system. If you are prescribed such meds contact your gp and raise your concerns and look into the background of your meds and other possible alternative which might be healthier.
DIM with indolplex (use only when informing your doctor)
Ok so what if you have no success with any of the above steps or your gynecomastia is quite bad.
You may wish to take a Nutrient that has a greater impact upon your estradiol level. One thing you can do is take DIM with indolplex. At the right dose this can significantly improve your livers P450 system and seriously reduce your estradiol level.
The important thing in taking DIM with indolplex is that you inform your doctor that you are going to use it so that he can indicate the correct dosage for you, which will differ depending upon the preparation that you buy.
You do not want to lower the effects of estradiol too much other wise you will have fatigue, lower your libido and throw your thyroid function and metabolism out.
Further info.