Author Topic: what the heck?!?!? my gyno looks like it is moving...  (Read 4321 times)

Offline b33

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alright, this may sound weird or may be 100% my imagination, but it sure doesn't seem like it is my imagination.  i also made a little drawing on Paint that isn't very good but i think it will explain it a little easier than just telling you guys in words...


Pink- nipple (yes it is differently shaped, but don't pay attention to that)
Light Grey- softest spots
Grey- not that soft, but i can still like squeeze it and stuff
Black- hardest spots

okay.  before, like leading up until last week, when i discovered this seeming like it is moving, my nipple used to look like the "BEFORE" illustration.  my nipple completely covered up the left gyno and the left side was kind of soft.  still tender, but softer than the right side by a lot.  on the right side, the gyno was hard and extended above and below my nipple.

Now (since last week), it seems like my right gyno has moved or changed or done something.  it seems a lot bigger, but it seems like some soft gyno moved into the middle (doesn't extend below my nipple anymore) and it seems like it is pushing the hard gyno up.  Before, my hard gyno only extended about 1/8 of an inch or so above my nipple.  now it is almost a half an inch above my nipple.  also, when i squeeze above my nipple i can feel a sort of narrow spot of the gyno where it seems like the soft is meeting the hard.

this may sound confusing or ridiculous, but please can someone give me some answers as to why it is moving?  is this my imagination?  is this different in that i should seek a doctor?  or is this common?


Offline Jopet

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I dont know if the word "moving" is right.. But I think it grew.
And maybe caused by pinching, i guess.

Offline b33

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dang...that does not sound good.  can i get a 2nd opinion?

Offline b33

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so no help from any of the "senior members" or doctors or anything???

Offline steelhead

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That was a good idea drawing I may try that when I have questions that are hard to explain.
Hopwfully, one of the doctors chime in. You may want to copy this in the ask the doctor section.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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You should consult your GP on this dude...

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline headheldhigh01

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i wouldn't freak out, though you might get it checked, but gyne seems kind of irregular in how it develops.  for me it was center outward in both cases from pea to quarter to much bigger though still flatter than it could have been.  other people though get the donut effect, unilateral (one-sided), or just the classic soft boob. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I was watching a Dr. Oz episode recently and he was discussing the female breast and the proper technique of self-examination for breast cancer. One of the things the Doc mentioned is that the lymph nodes change in size and location during the menstrual cycle.

It's quite possible that it is normal for male breast 'lumps' to change in size and location...



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