Author Topic: 23 yr old male with pics, gyno or fat am i too worried?  (Read 5167 times)

Offline phxsuns9

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Hey guys, a brief story about my situation. I am a 23 year old male, 6'1 165 lbs with about 15-18% body fat. I have noticed some excess fat on my chest since I was about 12. I have never consistently exercised or dieted, however I have been going to the gym 5 times a week for about the last month. I am looking to tone my body, nothing fancy just to the point where I can walk on the beach without a shirt on and not feel self-conscience. This brings me to my chest, I am looking for some input such as how good/bad it looks on a scale of 1-10, if the definition is caused by 'fat' or tissue', and what non surgical options I would have to improve it. I have never seriously considered surgery but have avoided social situations where you have to expose your upper body. Anyway, pictures are listed below and I look forward to your input.


Offline sufferingtolong

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First of all a big congrats for taking the first steps!

Secondly I'm no doctor but to me it looks glandular , your chest looks puffy and not fat , excuse me for saying quite full but pert . If it were all fat it would be full and much more flacid looking.

If you jump up and down and your whole chest moves up and down like more of a solid mass then its probably glandular.

That being said its not the worst case ever and surgery is a big step for anyone , only you can decide whether the cost , pain and potential complications are worth the potential benefit. However most people do!

If it is glandular no amount of bench presses or cardio will break down glandular tissue . I hit the gym hard for six months and made my gyno look worse as i had developed the muscle underneath my glands so my chest pretruded even more!

Best thing to do is go to a PS for an assessment , he will give you an honest opinion .

Do not stop going to the gym until gyno is confirmed though, but i would lay off the chest weights and concentrate on Cardio , if it is fat you will get the biggest improvements from doing pure cardio work.

I am one week post op , I'm sore , broke , tired and fed up but my god it is worth it!

Good luck deciding send me a PM if you would like to see my before and after shots

Offline krucial

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Its looks like your not fat at alll!  But it is geino.... and only surgery is gonna fix it! if you lose more weight its probably gonna show more.... no weights for sure! You easily weight less than 200lbs.... look into sum Drs if it bothers you that much. Your doing the research so i'm sure you will take the correct steps to fixin.


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you have no fat or glands....NO GYNO

Go google gynecomastia on google and you'll see what gyno really is...


Offline dondante

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I disagree with the people above on this one. It looks gyne to me. Not a massively severe case, but gyne nonetheless. You should do well with surgery - just make surgeon your surgeon is experienced and qualified. Good luck!

Offline krucial

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titmouse! are you thinking about surgery?

Offline postiey

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personally think why is it wrong then to want to look good in a t shrit or to feel comfortable in one. with no protrudin nipples.
if u feel comfortable in t shirts dont worry about it.

Offline postiey

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ye i loved shallow hal! but its a film dude haha

Offline Frank Reynolds

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Well, you do not have a heaving bosom, but you do have gynecomastia.  Is it severe?  No, not when compared to more extreme cases, but it is doubtless disconcerting and embarrassing.  What I recommend is planning an exercise and eating program that you can follow for at least six months.  Getting your body healthy and strong will help you prepare for surgery; in the meantime you can research and consult with qualified surgeons.  There is really only one shot at fixing the problem, and you should make it as easy on the surgeon as possible.  Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

Offline postiey

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good advice frankie! looks as tho u have a gland there the same type i have, dont think exercise  alone will shift it so i to think that surgery is ur only option. good luck


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