Author Topic: is there anyone out there?  (Read 4671 times)

Offline rslic

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I'm new to this board. I'm 52 years old..sounds old but to me I still have a life to live.
I'm 6.0 ft 200 lbs not fat..not skinny.
I run..recently I ran 5k and 10k.
Every time I run especially in the summer I dread it because I can't cover up.
I can't enjoy golf in the wind.
I have not taken my shirt off in public for 10 years or as long as I can remember.
Everyday my chest is on my mind.
I drive home from work with my hands on my chest hoping I'm exaggerating. Everyday.
I try to wear the right clothes so that my co-workers think I have a developed chest not breasts.
I'm hurting.
I have nobody to talk to. Yesterday someone I hardly know said ..nice breasts
Enough said..

Offline quanta321

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Yes, we feel your pain!

Offline D24

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Hi rslic,

i think almost everyone of us on this site have/has had pretty much the same feelings as yourself. The good news is that everyone I've came across on here is supportive and understanding like one big family. Theres loads of info and different cases to read which I'm sure you already know. You can always talk to everone on here and people are always happy to discuss issues/feelings you have. As for the bast**d who commented on your chest i often wonder what kind of idiot feels the need to say things like that to another person. The way i look at it is that person must have a pretty boring and sad life to say that to another human being. Best thing really is to find out what will make you happy wheather that be surgery or simply talking about it to someone and be able to move on with your life. All the best

Offline wannabemassive

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Take your life back mate you can do it.

Few options
1. personal training and diet
2. doctors

As for that prick it furstrates me to here that, hope he gets prostate cancer.



Offline headheldhigh01

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what they said, plus tell individuals like that to go to hell, and never let it get to you.  welcome to the site  :)
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Paa_Paw

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Welcome aboard.

Your situation is not unusual here. We have the same concerns and differ only in the degree to which it impacts us.

For the short term, There is a garment section here that should help you support and/or conceal your breasts. For some of us, this is enough for us to learn. For many this is a merely temporary solution and fortunately surgery is widely available and very effective if you take the time to find a well qualified surgeon.

While there are many here in their teens and twenties, you are hardly an old timer as I am 72.
Grandpa Dan

Offline rslic

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Thanks for your encouraging thoughts. I was feeling particularly down about my physical appearance and how much time I spend thinking about it. I will try to adopt a positive outlook by continuing to run and think about surgery as a real possibility. This is and excellent informative site.

I will look for info on surgery but was already thinking of Dr F Lista. He has radio spots and when they come on I feel as though they're meant for me. Preliminary question...Do people die from this procedure?
Are fat embolisms possible?
Thanks again

Offline Paa_Paw

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The list of potential side effects is quite long and can be worrisome if you are prone to think that way.

On the other hand, adverse results are really very rare if you have a well qualified surgeon.

I would suggest that there are many other things more worthy of worry than breast reduction surgery. The long lists of dire outcomes are there to keep the lawyers happy.

Offline fluffy_tits

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Man whoever told you that is a lil b*tch and needs to be put in his place.  It's not fair, even though this is a so called free country, you can't say whatever you want and get away with it.  I hope you atleast defended yourself man.  Hearing that pisses me off.  Atleast you're active with your running and stuff though.   If they bothering you that much you should talk to a surgeon man.   

Fluffy( o )v( o )...
My before and after surgery pics: Leave a comment if you look!! (HAD THE WRONG LINK UP! THIS IS THE ONE WITH ALL THE PICS)

Offline headheldhigh01

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i don't know lista specifically, you could put his name into this site's search engine and see if he's been discussed.  a p.s. who advertises on the radio might not be my first choice, just as my first choice for a lawyer might not be the guy on the back of the phone book, i'd want to know how many gyne ops a year he does.  if it's less than, i don't know, two or three dozen or something, gyne's probably not really a specialty of his, though maybe it is.  either way, take comparison shopping more seriously than if you were just buying a car, talk to at least 2 or 3 dr's. 

the medical risks are not zero, but they never are from the minute you set foot in any medical facility, they are probably much better than if you were having something more serious like an appendectomy, and even operations like that are somewhat routine.  if it's a serious concern, you can always raise it after the other more important questions when you're interviewing/consulting with someone. 

Offline steelhead

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I'm new to this board. I'm 52 years old..sounds old but to me I still have a life to live.
I'm 6.0 ft 200 lbs not fat..not skinny.
I run..recently I ran 5k and 10k.
Every time I run especially in the summer I dread it because I can't cover up.
I can't enjoy golf in the wind.
I have not taken my shirt off in public for 10 years or as long as I can remember.
Everyday my chest is on my mind.
I drive home from work with my hands on my chest hoping I'm exaggerating. Everyday.
I try to wear the right clothes so that my co-workers think I have a developed chest not breasts.
I'm hurting.
I have nobody to talk to. Yesterday someone I hardly know said ..nice breasts
Enough said..

Trust me most of us feel the same way get the surgery and get an optimal shape.Their are risks but with the right surgeon the risks become smaller and to use a cheesy quote you shift the odds in your favor.

Offline omega

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We've all been through that man. Trust me i speak for all of us when i say, we feel you.
Get the surgery. Its the best / only option, and it'l deff change your life
Good luck!

Offline robos111

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Hi Richard,

I'm just reading this now. I am 6 ft 1" and 202 plbs....very close to you. I am in exactly the same spot as you. I think about my condition every day. I do the same thing when driving or other alone times. I don't feel confident overall and will be looking into the surgery very soon.
I am 38 yrs old and don't want to wait until 52 (God willing) to get help with this. I'm so sick of thinkig/worrying about my condition on a daily basis.
It has almost ruined my life, up to this point.
I have been a member of AA for the last year and on and off before that.
I really believe that this condition added a great deal to my alcoholism and very low self-confidence.
People who see me covered-up sometimes tell me how good that I look; handsome etc. I don't beleive it in my heart because of this condition.
I'm not even comfortable being naked arround my wife, if you can believe that?
Anyway, I feel your pain 100%.
The person who made a joke re. your situation, is ignorant to your feelings. They have no way of understanding how much pain that they have caused you? Keep that in mind and you will feel better. Good Luck. P.S I'm also looking into Lista. Can anyone comment?

Offline krucial

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Offline MrRossZ28

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I think all of use have been through that. I'm 27 and I had surgery 5 months ago. I wish I would have know more about the condition when I was 22 in college. At one point I lifted weights and did cardio 5 days a week and lost 30lbs and still nothing happened. The surgery cost me $3,000 in the chicago area. One of the best things that ever happen to me.


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