Author Topic: please help me with replies  (Read 8976 times)

Offline donie787

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back then i was 17 years old, very skinny male and something changed that i wanted to eat much more than usually,and i did so.I could see that I'm getting bigger every month and my boobs were going bigger and i was thinking that it was only fat,but i started to feel something in my chest,something hard,and that was chest glands.I am turning 19 in a few days and i started to look for more information about gynecomastia just few months ago.I have changed my diet and started to exercises like fat burns,cardio,weight lifting except bench press and definitely decline bench presses because bottom of my chest is already big and fat so i dint want to make it worse.I can feel that I'm loosing weight and i am loosing fat from my chest and more fat i loose more my puffy nipples are visible and i dint know what to do.when these puffy nipples get cold or just feel cold breeze they shrink and turn hard,then i look OK and no one could say that i got something,so i wanted to ask can i do something to make them hard all the times?  :) i guess no :-[ but maybe the will gone after one or more years?or my nipples gonna get smaller then? Sorry for my English and please say how bad my gynecomastia is, 1 is very very good and 10 is very bad. so I'm waiting for urs replies guys :)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2010, 06:43:39 PM by donie787 »

Offline xoxoxoxo

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honestly it's very noticeable dude.. you can't hide it 'coz i think the gland is big.. only surgery will fix our condition.

Offline Jan1010

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I honestly disagree with the last guy I think you have a pretty good case but it looks like it is mostly gland and probably from using some super supplements.  I think surgery would benefit you greately.

Offline donie787

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im not using any supplements and i never did.i will see how i will look when i reach 20's,i will try to loose more weight and try other things,but about surgery i was never thinking and i think i will never do it.dunno why :D

Offline donie787

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but i just wanted to ask how you guys think,can i live full and good life with this condition  by not doing surgery.and I'm just turning 19 soon and i was thinking that maybe these glands will be gone when i be fully grown,like when i reach 20-21 of it possible somehow that these glands will start to shrink and will be gone,or just gonna turn a bit smaller?

Offline donie787

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I'm just changed photos so you guys could see my condition more clearly and give me better advices,because i dint know things like : do i need to keep exercising and loosing weight?if i get too skinny maybe my condition will be more clearly to notice through my clothes? because if i would hawe more fat on me others would think that I'm just fat :) actually i dint give a f*** about what other would think when they see me without shirt,but my biggest problem is that I'm so afraid to get naked when I'm with females  ;D maybe they will notice it or maybe they don't couse guys with condition like mine always see who has it and who don't,but ppl who dont know about gynecomastia just might think that this guy is just fat or smting else :) what do you think? if i would loose a lot of weight and get very skinny,and i know that i can and my gyno will be more visible then ever and i will decide to put more weight for reason to hide gyno and by doing this maybe glands start grow again?because i think that when i am gaining weight my glands are growing as that can be true????

Offline headheldhigh01

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you have gyne, maybe about a 2 on the 10 scale, but 1 can be bad enough to make you get rid of it. 

weight loss might make it a little more obvious, but there is some link between fat to estrogen, it's possible it could grow a little bit with more weight.  either you are not imagining it, or you just notice the disfigurement more with more weight on your chest.  i think you're about the right level for getting an operation to fix it where you are now.  it will not get significantly smaller with either exercise or time, so you will have to decide how long you are willing to put up with it. 

women are different.  some don't care, some are really bothered by it, it depends on the woman.  personally i share your feeling, i think it would be a lot simpler not having to explain it   ;)
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline donie787

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Thanks for good and helpful reply headheldhigh01,i am thinking to live with gyno and i think its not that bad. Im not gonna risk my health on surgery table,because surgery could go wrong or maybe not,but gyno maybe can grow again after few years and all that money could be wasted,or just ugly scar could appear on my chest after it... and even if everything would go OK during surgery and after it,im getting more confortable with my condition every day without doing any surgery,so im thinking better to save 4k not for surgery but for car or studies :D a little fat or gland in your chest is ruining your life so much that you thinking of getting surgery???  :) after that maybe you will start to dislike your ears or nose or smthing and you will do another surgery for it? :D i know one guy in all ppl that i know  that he is beutiful to himself by looking to a mirror and he likes everything that he has and he wouldnt change anything that he has and he is gay  :) im not saying that ppl who likes their appearance in mirror are gays ;D ,but im just saying that almost everyone has something that dont like,and a lot of ppl lives with that what they have :) i think you should do surgery then if you have problems to get naked,or if you take off your clothes everyones eyes looks at your chest. I am thinking that everyone see my boobs through out my clothes, but im wrong,i was so much time without shirt in public and i got only two comments about my chest ;D one was that it has a little bit fat and i need to work out on my pecs and the other i dont rly remember  ;D but if females reject you because you have gynecomastia then F*** That, you are looking to a wrong ones  ;D somewhere i heard that females dont look a lot to a guys appearance and looks,but them are looking to guys inside,his manners,voice,etc.

Offline postiey

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ye i think hhh has got it right in his post! i know u have said u dont want to have surgery ur case isnt that bad but is fairly noticeable i would say.
but im glad u dont feel like u need surgery some men it doesnt bother them at all and i do think this is the way to be. maybe they have thick skin and dont feel paranoid about it i dont know.

bu unfortunately we are all made different with different personalities so if it bothers you and affects ur mind like it does me i think the only way is surgery.
and as reguard as using the money for a car rather than surgery, the excitement of having a car only lasts a few months, also they only last up to five years till u need to change them. hopefully gyne surgery will last a lifetime.

good luck to u

Offline donie787

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thx postiey for reply, just wanted to add that im not feeling totally confortable but im not feeling that bad to be thinking about surgery. As i said before my biggest fear is to be rejected by females because of gynecomastia,and if oneday this happens then i might be thinking about surgery but so far females dont even look at my chest and dont give funny comments about them  ;D and if my nipples would be hard all the time then i dont even be afraid of anything, just its very interesting why my nipples are most of the times hard???  ;D i think thats good and i wish that they would be like that all the times  ;D ;D ;D but they dont  :-\ like after workout in the gym they are hard like 3-5h and i should be sitting or sleeping to make them soft again ;D so i think more i move more they stay hard and nice  :)

Offline jakeyboy08

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Hi donie787,
Im not doctor but these seem to me to 99% be gyno,
These will NOT go away on their own maybe 1 in 1000 do because it was just fat in the first place if it is a gland then i can advise you these will proberly not go away by themselve.
If they bother you have surgery if the dont well then dont,

Simples  ;)


Offline postiey

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ye donnie i totally agree with u about when the nipple goes hard the chest looks good. i have the exact same problem as u and when i started lifting weights i though i was gettin rid of the problem only to find an hour later or so the chest to go puffy again.

this is very frustratin but unfortunately i believe jakyboy to be right there is no way to keep ur chest hard like it is after a workout all the time, it just isnt posssible. to my knowledge there is a thin layer of muscle wich contacts making the aerola and gland or fat etc tighten but has to loosen in time.

i may not have explained this correctly so perhaps someone else will but in the correct terms ha

i know ur new picture looks alot better but u can still see u have it unfortunately, as regards to u saying about women likein it or not. i think screw them if they dont like it. ive never had a problem with women do the surgery for u.

good luck to you

Offline thetodd

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I had a girlfriends during the time i had gyne, and at one point i was a 38" waist vs 30" what i am now and i had fit girlfriends! Its not about how you look with birds its how you act. But at the end of my last long relationship i took it really hard and really started getting depressed and thats when gyne became a problem for me (although none of my gf's had mentioned my gyne). An obsessive problem and this is after going on holidays and my mates ribbing me about it and me just ignoring it. Gynecomastia is really a huge pshcological condition and your day to day opinion on how your chest looks will probally change constantly

Gyne is a contour issue, going down the gym isnt going to make a difference because your at a healthy weight. If it doesnt bother you dont go for the surgery and enjoy your life i know several people who do that exactly and wouldnt have a clue what gynecomastia is

But i would consider this! As you get older it will get worse simple as that. If you have the surgery at a young age your skin is very elasticated and you will be left with barely visible scars. Maybe start saving now just in case you change your mind in a few years?

good luck
« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 04:38:38 PM by thetodd »
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline milesed1

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You're fortunate to be in great shape besides the gyne. Most women on't care at all especially about the small amount you have. Your body reminds me of my own before surgery so I can certainly understand your concerns. I'd recommend getting a compression shirt to smooth it down. You can wear it under other shirts and it looks just like a t-shirt (I got one at before my surgery).

Offline markfj

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Gynecomastia is really a huge pshcological condition and your day to day opinion on how your chest looks will probally change constantly

Gyne is a contour issue, going down the gym isnt going to make a difference because your at a healthy weight. If it doesnt bother you dont go for the surgery and enjoy your life i know several people who do that exactly and wouldnt have a clue what gynecomastia is


I compltely agree with those 2 statements, and as for the gym, I am down there 5 days a week without fail and I still have it

Good luck though, hope you get it sorted


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