Author Topic: do i have gyno or just extra fat on my chest!!!!!  (Read 8985 times)

Offline YoungnZo

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Ive had fat on my chest around my nipples since i was about 13, I'm now 19 and even after losing about 15lbs the fats still there( currently weigh 160). so can someone please tell me what they think on whether or not i have it, or if i just need to do more cardio and continue to workout. thanks

i know I'm not the skinnest guy in the world but still its really annoying even tho, mines is not as bad as others, if i do have it.

Offline YoungnZo

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Offline Eric Robertson

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  • It's time to spread the word about Gynecomastia

Well, to tell you the truth it doesn't seem as though you have it. Your nipples may be "a little" puffy....but surgery is not worth it.

You look perfectly normal to me...why have surgery and risk getting scars?

My two cents.

Surgery Date: 6/06/06
Surgeon: Dr. Elliot Jacobs M.D., F.A.C.S., F.I.C.S., P.C.
Procedure: Liposuction and incision under the nipple.
Cost: $6,500
Discovery Health: Plastic Surgery Before and After I was featured in:

Offline YoungnZo

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thanks for the reply, and yea I'm definitely going to burn some fat before considering surgery. i just don't like the way my nipples flare outwards, and the layer of fat on them that wont go away.

Offline YoungnZo

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if anyone else wants to give their opinion, it would be very helpful. like i said i dont believe i have a bad case of gyno, but i still dont like taking my shirt off in public yet.  :(

Offline ddh

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Don't worry about whether or not "you have it."

I'd suggest you think about another question.  "How unhappy am I with my chest contour?" "Am I so unhappy that it prevents me from enjoying some aspects of my life?"

Personally, I think you look great now. You chest doesn't remotely look feminine.

However, if you are very unhappy with it because you dislike the contour around your nipples, then I'd guess that the only way to change that is through surgery. I don't think weight loss or pumping up your pics will provide the results you may want.

But surgery has risks, including scaring. Is it worth the expense and risk? That is an question only you can answer.

So, IMHO, should you be embarrassed or uncomfortable with your shirt off? Hell no. You look great!

Offline YoungnZo

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thanks a lot for your answer! and yea it does make me uncomfortable/insecure sometimes, but it actually does seem like its improving. so hopefully by the time i get to the bf% i wanna be at i wont notice as much.

Offline ivanvaldez79

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whats ur bf% right now??? but your chest looks great bro nothing i would be embarrased off....just try doing some more bench flyes and some pull over to get ur chest more cut!

Offline jsboob

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my opinion is your chest looks fine for a man, I wouldnt say it looks feminine ( which would mean you had gyne)

Offline YoungnZo

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i have no clue wat my bf is, i would guess around 16% but im not sure. thanks for the replies everyone

Offline buyside

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Look at the contour right around the nipple area on either side.  See how it comes to a point in the middle of your nipple?  That's some gland back there, imo.  The nipple should sit flat on your chest and not be "pointed" like that, if that makes sense.  I'd say you have some gland.

Offline Coffee

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Every man has some breast tissue behind the nipple. Some have more then others. Do you have proliferation of glandular tissue? I dont think so but only you can be happy with you. I just had a revision surgery last Thursday to have the gland excised out of my chest. It was the easiest surgery ever. I was in and out in about 3 hours and this little god damn tissue that had been bothering me for so long is gone. Many people also told me that my chest looked good but it always bothered me. I decided to spend the money, I decided it was worth the risk, and although I knew it was something minor, I elected to have the surgery. You have this one life and if it will make you happier and stress less about it then.........go for it. Just make sure you choose a surgeon with a lot of experience with this problem before doing anything. With any cosmetic procedure, you sign waivers that you could be very dissappointed with the results so use someone with loads of experience to decrease the odds of being dissappointed. 

Offline certified fresh

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Ive had fat on my chest around my nipples since i was about 13, I'm now 19 and even after losing about 15lbs the fats still there( currently weigh 160). so can someone please tell me what they think on whether or not i have it, or if i just need to do more cardio and continue to workout. thanks

i know I'm not the skinnest guy in the world but still its really annoying even tho, mines is not as bad as others, if i do have it.

Weight Loss can Help with the Fat of Gynecomastia, but gland will remain behind.

If the contour on the male chest says female, even a subtle Puffy Nipple like pubescent female like breast, then it is gynecomastia by definition. The normalAnatomy of Gynecomastia consists of gland, fat, and skin. Clinical Examination of the Male Chest does not define what is gland vs. fat. Although gland tends to be firm and fat soft, gland can be soft and fat firm.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia

Offline YoungnZo

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Thanks for the replies and yea my nipples are the thing that bothers me most. maybe I'm just blowing this out of proportion but every time i look down at my chest, i see my nipples pointed outward and it irritates me. maybe its just my point of view tho... idk


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