Author Topic: Overweight pseudo or gyne? (Clear photos)  (Read 3161 times)

Offline Shamhid

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I'm 290 lbs, down from 325 lbs.

I suffer, daily, with the question, "Will a girl even look at me with anything but disgust, with male breasts this big?" Family, friends, tell me they're normal for a fat guy and that I'm handsome for my size, but I think they're abnormally large and 99% of the time they see me with a shirt or two on. My chest bothers me far more than my belly - the belly's going, but the male breasts seem to remain.

Are they abnormally large? Will they go away? Are my areolas too big? Does anyone who has been in a similar situation or who is in have a girlfriend and did you at the time? Should I consider surgery? I'd just like the opinion of someone else who has "been there".

Note the first photo is arms raised. The second is pressed close together and hunched forward, causing the fat under my arms to press forward to the front and increase size beyond usual.


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Its normal. Just lose as much weight as you can, and save for surgery as you do..

Offline Shamhid

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Surgery's a necessity to lose them entirely, even if I lose all the weight?

Offline balalayka

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My humble opinion is that with all the fat, and just from pictures I cannot tell if you have gland or not. Even if it's mainly fat, you might need surgery to fix all the loose skin. Keep it on and try to hit a healthy weight. Then re evaluate.

Offline Shamhid

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It doesn't feel like there's any tissue ... what I mean to say is, the fat under my arms, or even my belly, feels the same as the "breast". Is it possible for pseudogynecomastia to entirely leave with weight loss, save for the loss of skin elasticity?

Offline kingboob

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Hi, been in a similar situation myself. Lose as much weight as you can, get your body mass index out of the obese category and in to the normal or over weight area before having surgery.

Mine were a similar size or maybe bigger and they just deflated and went more saggy with weight loss.   Skin tightening surgery with significant incisions/scars will almost certainly be required, unfortunately that is the trade off for a flat chest after massive weight loss.   Some surgeons may well remove the excess underarm or 'side boob' skin as part of the same procedure when fixing the boobs.

My family knew I had issues with my chest but had no idea of the SIZE of the problem until I showed them after the weight loss, then they understood why I needed surgery and backed me 100%.

 Two or three t-shirts cover the problem quite well if no one is looking too closely and in my experience  family tend not to notice something like this until it is pointed out, so if you want them to understand you will have to show them really.

I should say be confident and don't worry about external appearance when trying to find a girlfriend. In the real world none of us look like movie stars and there really is someone out there for everyone etc etc.............,, however that would make me a bit of a hypocrite as I never had a GF before the surgery because of the obesity and boobs and I still don't have one yet because of embarrassment about having to explain the scars and stretch marks from weight loss etc etc.

At some point I guess it is a case of finding the right person and trusting enough to let them in & hoping they don't run out the door in horror.  :D

« Last Edit: June 26, 2010, 01:47:27 AM by kingboob »

Offline Shamhid

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The stretching and scars never went away, kingboob?

Offline kingboob

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The stretching and scars never went away, kingboob?
The streched skin remained after weight loss until I had it removed; gyne surgery, tummy tuck etc.

The scars from surgery do fade but never go away completely.   The same deal for stretch marks (like  on your stomach)... they become less obvious over the years but they will always be there.


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