Author Topic: Ordering Andractim  (Read 5645 times)

Offline dan_282

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  • Posts: 4 Dan, 20 male from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada...I dont know the severity of my condition, but I have enlarged/puffy nipples and fatty pecs...  :-X

I read someones diary on the use of Andractim, and I would like to try it out....

they purchased it from this website (which appears to be the most favorable)

however, they do not ship to i did some searching, and I came across this website (which appears to be selling an exactly similar product)

the only difference with this website, is they do not suggest the purchase of the prostate screening kit
(which i have no problem with, i highly doubt i have prostate cancer at 20)

but back on the most favorable website,

they have an article on FAKE products, which can be read here:

although i highly doubt this is a fake, or poor product they are selling (here)

i ask for your opinions on the matter?

another reason im considering this websites product instead is because they ship to canada, and I can easily purchase the product with a blank cheque, as opposed to creating controversy with my mom and sister on the matter...(using her credit card)

so what do you guys think?

i have a few more questions,

1. Is there any major long term/short term health risks with using this steroid?
2. Will i have to change my eating or exercising habits?
3. Have you heard of anyone successfully ridding this condition, only to have it return in the future?
4. Is it legal in Canada?

Thanks alot!
dan  8)

Offline puffynips0-

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Hi Dan,

I bought two tubes from All Saints.  In the end it didn't do a darn thing.

I consider it a waste of money.  Finally got the surgery four days ago.

Don't waste your money or time on Andractim.  Even my case (which is very mild compared to others) couldn't be helped by that goo.

Offline dan_282

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i dont want to do surgery  ???

Offline Captain

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try these, they worked to me, also they are located in Canada,, cheers

Offline gynosucks1

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Drugs can help boys with breast enlargement
Last Updated: August 20, 2004

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Many teenage boys experience some degree of enlargement of the breasts around the time of puberty. When the condition is troublesome, anti-estrogen drugs seem to be a safe and effective means of reducing breast size, according to a new study.

Pubertal gynecomastia, as the condition is called, occurs in up to 65 percent of boys, and about 10 percent of cases of do not resolve on their own within three years, researchers at the University of Ottawa explain in the Journal of Pediatrics.

"Even for those persons in whom the condition is self-limiting, it can be a troubling and at times psychologically disabling condition," write Dr. Sarah E. Lawrence and colleagues.

They conducted a chart review of boys treated at their clinic with either tamoxifen or raloxifene, two drugs that block estrogen receptors, or who were not given any drug treatment.

Included in the review were 15 patients treated with tamoxifen for an average of 5.2 months, 10 with raloxifene for an average of 4.9 months, and 13 with no specific therapy other than reassurance.

Before treatment, the diameter of the breast nodule in these three groups averaged 4.6 centimeters, 3.8 cm and 4.7 cm, respectively.

Tamoxifen treatment led to an average decrease of 2.1 cm (45 percent) in breast diameter, compared with 2.5 cm (66 percent) in the raloxifene group. A 50 percent or greater reduction in size occurred in 41 percent and 86 percent of individuals in each group, respectively.

There appeared to be no adverse events, and no significant changes in hormone levels or liver enzymes.

The authors contacted subjects three years after the study period. None of those who had been treated reported a relapse, but 40 percent "were not completely satisfied with the response to treatment and went on to have surgery."

Among those treated only with reassurance, 50 percent reported spontaneous resolution.

Lawrence's team concludes that anti-estrogen treatment can be effective for pubertal gynecomastia, "with a better response to raloxifene than tamoxifen."

However, they say, a clinical trial "using standardized measurements of glandular tissue, such as breast ultrasonography, is needed to further evaluate the use of estrogen inhibitors as medical therapy for boys troubled by persistent pubertal gynecomastia."

Offline b

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Drugs can help boys with breast enlargement
Last Updated: August 20, 2004

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) -

url? :)

Offline gynosucks1

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do ur own research noob

Offline dan_282

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How can one get ahold of either tamoxifen or raloxifene?

I still think Andractim sounds more promising...

Offline b

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do ur own research noob

lol, copying an url is less work than copying the whole text from the same site :)

who's teh n00b ...
« Last Edit: July 05, 2005, 12:49:06 PM by b »


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