Author Topic: Hi I'm marty and I have gynecomastia  (Read 2617 times)

Offline xgi

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Hi all marty here from michigan and I have dealt with gyne my entire life. Had them when I was young and the constate teasing was real hard on me. My story goes like this. Since I was young I always wore big shirts all the time. It was always embrassing when other guys would take their shirts off and I would leave mine on even when it was so hot out.

After I retired I became the model couch tater. I balloned to 322 pounds and wore 2-3xl shirts and tight 46 pants.  I was miserable and drank heavy and ate anything in sight. Pizzas chocolate milk cookies by the gross. Finally I had enough and decided to get into shape. Today I'm 195 but still have a case of man boobs.

Seems my right side is a bit bigger than my left. Good news is my surgery date is 25 jully ;D and I hope Dr Kane can fix me up. He did my wifes breast reconstruction after her bout with breast cancer and did a wonderful job on her

I thought I could work them off with cardio and weight training but so far no way. So in 16 days I go for my surgery. To tell you the truth I'm scared as I can be but this has bothered me my entire life (49 now) so hopefully this will be a new beginning for me ;)  This is a great site and real good info for sure.  God bless you all......m :)
You want to make God laugh? Tell him your plans for tomorrow.

 Kids who hunt,fish and trap don't mug little old ladies

Offline theskald

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I can't imagine living with gynecomastia for so long, you definitely have more confidence than you seem to think, you have a wife and I'm too afraid to even get close to my girlfriend because of it.  And I know how it feels to work so hard to get into shape and still have those damn man-boobs.  Good luck with your surgery =)

Offline Tallguy

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Tnx for your post. Your story is EXACTLY the same as mine. I am off the couch, off the booze, and working out again. I am on a good diet and can see the weight staring to drop. (Was 304 Lbs, now 280 Lbs...on my way to goal weight of 228 Lbs) Your story gave me a big moral boost. This 50 year old guy has had enough of the jokes, teasing, rude comments, and feelings of being unworthy.

1) Everyone deserves to be happy
2) Some people bitch about the weather but don't do anything about it.

I am tired of bitching!  Good luck with your surgery!

This board is a Godsend. Great support and resources.


Offline xgi

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Tall guy you can do it I promise you. I did all the fancy diets pills shakes you name it. I finally figured it out the trick was to get moving and off your a$$. I do two things that keep me going I stuck an old fat pic of me right next to my treadmill and I keep my old belt hanging up near my bed so every morning I have to look at it. Good luck with your project and remember it's not a diet but simply a lifestyle change. Good luck to you my friend and email me if you need any help. Again God bless and stay with it........m ;D


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