Author Topic: Do i have Gynecomastia??  (Read 1458 times)

Offline stringer749

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im 20 and ive had these since i was 10-11. As a 10 yr old i was quite big and always had slightly puffy nipples and a stomach. I have no started dieting and excercising and have noticed them going down slightly more and more. They are not sensitive at all and i can like squish them flat. i cant feel anything hard under the nipple. it seems exactly the same as pinching my belly fat. I do have slight puffy nipples though but like i said theyre not sensitive. ive never been an active person and have probaly ate rubbish since i started dieting.

Does this look like Gynecomastia to you or is it just fat that simply needs burning off then toning? Thanks  :)

Offline hidden916

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I'm pretty much the same as you, I'de like to know also

Offline Mark102

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That looks like mild gyne to me.

But exercising could only help, I can see you having a normal looking chest by doing some cardio everyday and some chest exercises 2-3 times a week.

Try it for a month and see where you stand then!


Offline Raider Fan

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It appears that you have mild gyne and that your nipples/areolas are slightly big/puffy.  If you feel no hard tissue/mass, you may be able to get by with lipo only.  Only an experienced gyne plastic surgeon will know for sure.  However, if you aren't bothered in public when you take your shirt off, there's no reason to go to the trouble/expense of gyne correction.  

Offline Paa_Paw

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Perhaps a little.

Unless it is impacting your life in some negative way, I'd ignore it.

If it is having a negative impact, the only way to get rid of it would be surgery.

I don't see a justification for surgery here, But that does not mean that you might or not.
Grandpa Dan


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