Author Topic: Successful Gyno Surgery/Flank Liposuction with Dr. Cruise in Newport Beach, CA  (Read 3739 times)

Offline cypress

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Hey guys, as a former sufferer of gyno, i figured i'd share my experience with Dr. Cruise. I have had the condition for as long as I can remember, very noticeable (I'd say my gyno was a 7.5/10) and after years of mulling over this, at age 22 I've taken care of this and am now 5 days post op.

I chose Dr. Cruise after a thorough analysis of all surgeons in Southern/Northern california who are qualified to do gyno surgery (checked for malpractice, scoured the internet, called former patients...the works). Dr. Cruise was my choice and my experience with him and his staff - from the patient care coordinator to the anesthesiologist to the cute nurse - has simply blown me away.

The post below is a copy of what I pasted on plasticsurgeryfriends dot org, an online community where you can connect with people who've had/are planning on the procedures you're interested in. It's still being developed but I recommend you give it a visit.

A bit about the day of surgery:
I underwent gynecomastia surgery (lipo and breast tissue) and liposuction on my flanks. Got to the surgery center at the crack of dawn, was taken into the operating room and asked a few questions by the very nice and sweet nurse. The anesthesiologist came in (blanking on his name right now, also very kind and upbeat) and hooked me up with the IV.
Dr. Cruise dropped in next and alleviated my pre-operation jitters, we talked for a few minutes while he tagged up the target areas with a pen and... this where things became surreal - the anesthesiologist came back, slipped in the sedation and...the next thing I remember is being walked out of the surgery center with 3 drain tubes coming out of my body and two straps wrapped tightly around my chest and lower back/stomach. Just groggy, a bit confused and cranky. I sent text messages I don't remember sending on the car ride back home with my mom. The surgery in total lasted about 3 hours or so.

The Gynecomastia Operation
Had a bit of pain (maybe slightly worse than weightlifting soreness) but took some vicodin and slept straight from 12-3pm. From 3pm to now (11pm) I've been watching cartoons and reading, and the only pain I have is where the drain tubes are attached. I took the strap off for a minute to readjust it and...
WOW. Both breasts are symmetrical! I look much better. Both nipples are sort of shriveled up and pruny but it's hard to see with the bandages over them. My brother had the same procedure recently (Dr. Cruise as well) and his nipples have gotten better and better each day so I'm hoping my results are like his, since they're about 70% back to normal.  Dr. Cruise left just enough fat to make it look natural and, as discussed in my pre-op, he didn't touch the minor fat deposit in the area where my arm and pecs meet.
Very, very happy, especially since my gyno sort of hid my pec muscles - more defined than I thought :) Also, very bizarre to look at your chest and it just looking...different. Almost surreal.

My Flanks
Deciding to do the flanks was a last second decision but I'm glad I did it. I weigh about 200 pounds, eat and go to the gym regularly and still can't even get close to shrinking them down. I was originally considering getting my buttocks lipo'd because I have disproportionately large thigh/butt area but Dr. Cruise suggested the flanks, as I could target the former two problem areas with sufficient exercise. After the courage it took to convince my parents to go through with the surgery, I figured it'd probably be best to get it all over with and decided on the flanks as well.
As of right now I have no pain at all from the 3 incisions made my Dr. Cruise (right tailbone and left, all below belt line).
I couldn't really see a huge difference since there is so much swelling (my flanks are definitely smaller but the part overhanging the belt area is disproportionately swollen) and I looked for only a few moments but tomorrow I will get a better look after my follow-up with Dr. Cruise. I have some sort of weird curiosity with how much tissue/fat was taken out of me, I'll need to remember to ask him.
Overall, entirely numb  - the skin around my waist is numb to the touch. I've been told that this could change tomorrow but as of right now - I feel no pain. There is one drain for the entire flank area and it is quite active, I'd say I've lost about 2 cups of blood from this drain alone.
I cannot...believe...that I waited this long to do this. Gyno has had such an incredibly negative impact on my life that I don't even know what to say, or how to feel when I first took off the bandages today. Mind you that I'm a neurotic person but man, living with this condition is a unique nightmare for as long as I can remember (I'm 22 now).
From avoiding going to waterparks (which I loved) , from being called out on wearing dark sweaters even on hot days in 8th grade, to going through hoops to avoid beach days and pool parties, to dreading the summer months, to hoping my luck wouldn't put me on the "skins" team... girlfriends not understanding why I wanted to keep my shirt on in intimate situations, to BEING EXTREMELY limited in what type of shirts I could wear (I think I own 2-3 t-shirts i wear out...the rest are button-ups), to being paranoid every time I wore dress shirts at work (dress shirts are particularly revealing of gyno) HUNCHING OVER when I walk and tugging on my shirt the list really goes on and on. In short, for a very social person like myself who lives in southern california where a flat chest goes a long SUCKED.
Once I become more comfortable with what I've decided to do, there is no doubt in my mind that I am going to make it a priority for the rest of my life to tell victims of this ANNOYING and EASILY FIXED condition about Dr. Cruise in Newport Beach. No one should live with this. I don't care if you have to take out 3 credit cards, it's worth it (no joke, I almost did this in 11th grade so that I could avoid asking my parents).
I'm sure this might be post-procedure euphoria but I've even considered carrying 10 Dr. Cruise/gynecomastia business cards with "I know what you're going through with the chest - this is the man who can make it go away" written on the back and giving it to any stranger I see in the street who has gyno. Punch in the face or not, this to me is the best thing I could ever do for a young man. In fact, I wish someone had done it to me, or that my parents were more progressive and supported my early attempts to bring up surgery as an option.

It's now 5 days later. I went to a party last night with only a tight under armor shirt on. HOLY CRAP i felt so much better, more confident, and the craziest thing:

PEOPLE DONT NOTICE that your G is gone - they just notice that you generally look better. They assume your enhanced appearance is from losing weight. As an experiment, I wore a blatantly tight t-shirt and stuck my chest out all night and not even my closest friends noticed a thing - they just thought I'd lost weight and gotten "buffer".

Guys - do not wait to get this procedure done. do it ASAP, at whatever cost. you have no idea how good it feels to get this taken care of. Its so powerful. I'm mad at myself for waiting after college to get this done - I can only imagine how much sweeter my social experience would have been if I'd done it the summer BEFORE college. Don't be afraid, don't hesitate.

I know it's hard to google "gynecomastia" (because it brings an ugly thing in the back of your mind into a tangible, all-too-real form), I know it's even harder to call doctors and do research, let alone tell your loved ones that you're thinking about getting it done. They won't understand what the big deal is, or why you'd even consider paying thousands for what they may view as a minor issue. But DONT listen to them - only YOU know what a pain in the butt this condition is. It takes courage to set up a consultation and go through with this, and you may be worried about "what people think" but trust me, no one really gives a crap about your gyno but you. People are worried about their own insecurities.

I used to come on this forum 3-4 years ago and it took a random stroke of energy one afternoon to make the call and get this sucker taken care of. And convincing my parents - HUGE pain. They thought it was ridiculous at first but after we talked to Dr. Cruise they understood and have been completely supportive.

And if you live in Southern California - I can promise you that Dr. Cruise is a good choice. I'm picky and really don't cheerlead unless I'm satisfied but this guy and his staff are just awesome. I'll post pics in the next few weeks. He has a really good website btw - for some reason I can't post links but just google "Dr. Cruise orange county plastic surgery"

SET UP the consultation and you set into motion a series of events that will make you a happier and more confident person in 3 months.


Offline Dave_8

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Congrats dude! Damn man sounds awesome. Must feel great to be on the other side eh lol how much did you pay for the surgery?
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline Entouragee

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congrats I want to get this done too! how much is it just for the gyno surgery?

Offline cypress

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Thanks guys. I believe I paid around $10k for both procedures (gyno and flanks), the gyno was about 6500. Worth every penny. Had my 2nd follow up today with Dr. Cruise and I'm doing very well. A bit of expected swelling but I can only imagine how good I'm going to look this summer! Woo!


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