Author Topic: ugh!  (Read 2365 times)

Offline Entouragee

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Hello, I'm 20, and I've had Gynecomastia for about eight years. I'm going in for surgery at the end of April and the day can't come soon enough. I feel like I've wasted the "good" years of my life. I talk to a lot of pretty girls, and I always make excuses, or never return phone calls. I do this because of my condition, and now that it's ONLY one month away I'm busting my butt at the gym, and keeping my diet on point trying to make this the best possible transition for myself.
        Being a college student [Freshman - Computer Science] paying this type of bill on my own will definitely affect me for the next ten years of my life, and its taking its toll on me mentally. I'm due to put a deposit down for the day of surgery to lock it in. Now, I know that there is no other way to confront this because I am already around a 21 BMI so working out wont do anything for me, and so i'm left with no choice. I'm also scared of the scar's, because the doctor told me that there will be a significant scar for a long time, permanent frankly. I just can't stand to live this way, and I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy. I just feel like i'm not "living", just doing daily task's and continually living like a zombie. On one side I blame myself for not being strong willed, being able to not only allow myself to see past the condition let alone others. I can't and KNOW I will NEVER accept myself when I look like this.
Thanks for reading these forums have kept me from going insane over the past twelve months.

PS: I love coloring my text =P - I would also like to add that my surgeon is Dr. Elliot Jacobs.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2011, 08:02:54 PM by Entouragee »

Offline morpheus11

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That's awesome man! Nice to hear your going in for surgery. As for the debt accumulated from it, you're a computer sci major, i'm sure you'll have a nice stream of revenue after you graduate.

Well, do keep the community updated on your surgery. Personally, I'd love to hear it. I plan on getting mine done in May, so any details regarding pain and recovery would be nice. 

Offline Mark102

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Congrats on your upcoming surgery! I really hope everything goes well for you.

 Just relax, keep doing what you're doing in terms of working out and if you've done your research and seen before and after pictures from your surgeons previous gyne patients, then everything should be fine.

I know, these forums are really mentally assuring! Its really helpful! Good luck on your surgery!

Offline Entouragee

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That's awesome man! Nice to hear your going in for surgery. As for the debt accumulated from it, you're a computer sci major, i'm sure you'll have a nice stream of revenue after you graduate.

Well, do keep the community updated on your surgery. Personally, I'd love to hear it. I plan on getting mine done in May, so any details regarding pain and recovery would be nice. 

I will most definitely create a post of how the procedure went including as much information as possible.

Offline Raider Fan

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First of all, I think you made a very wise decision in using Dr. Jacobs.  You can go into the surgery feeling confident, and that's worth a lot by itself.  

As far as the makes me think of this.....

When my son was young, a lot of us went boating out on a lake.  One of the things we did was tow a big raft (that was made for such things) behind the boat.  The raft had handles on the front of it that you could hold on to as you road on your stomach.  A big metal hook was attached to the front of the raft in order to pull it.  

Well...I'll never know how it happened, but somehow, the metal hook got lodged in my son's armpit and when the boat took off.  It ripped all the way down his arm to about the elbow.  Somehow, my brother in law (who was driving the boat) knew something was wrong and he put the boat into reverse as soon as he could.  I believe God was there and that was the reason he had the forethought to put the boat into reverse.  But as a result of him doing that, it likely saved my son's arm.  

We took my son to the hospital and we were all sick and scared.  He was only a little boy at the time.  After the surgery, the surgeon came out and said he (and his arm) were going to be fine.  She said, miraculously, the hook didn't affect the main artery to the arm at all.  It came within an inch or so of the main arterty, but other than that, all they really had to do was clean up and suture a very large tear in his skin (from just under the armpit to the elbow).  

Needless to say, my son was very lucky.  Considering how bad it could have been, we all felt very blessed.  It was a miracle.

Does he have a scar from his armpit to his elbow?  Sure he does!  But it's not that's just a scar.  Growing up, he had a great time telling all his friends how he got it and they actually thought it was kinda cool that he had it.  I'll never understand the way kids think; I guess they thought it made him look tough, I don't know.  

So, basically, our reaction to his scar 20 years later what?  Actually, it's not even that.....we don't even THINK about it anymore.  It's just something that happened and that's the way life is.  You deal with it and move on.  We don't even think about it anymore, and the main reason why is because he still has his arm, and it functions perfectly.  He has no disability and he's completely healthy.  And that's all that matters.  He may as well have skinned his knee.  

All this is to say that I think you'll be the same way after your surgery.  Sure, you may have a scar, but so what?  You're going into the surgery already knowing about the scar so it's not going to be shocking or surprising.  You'll be prepared for it and that helps immensely.  Think of the alternative if you hadn't had the surgery.  Compared to having big noticeable breasts, a scar is NOTHING!  And besides all that, like all scars, it will fade over time.  I think you'll look back at these days and shrug your shoulders and think "So what?" about your scar.  It'll just be you!  It'll just be a problem you had corrected and you'll accept it...because that's just the way life is.  Time has a funny way of helping how we see things.  

In the meantime, as a result of your wise decision, you'll be able to enjoy life the way you were meant to enjoy it.  If someone asks about your scar, tell them whatever you want. You can tell them the truth or make something up; I really don't think it will matter to you anymore.  Tell them a lion attacked you!  Who cares?  It really won't matter because your boobs aren't going to be there!  And what's THAT worth?  Priceless!  ;)

Offline Entouragee

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I went in today to finalize the date and pay half the fee. I feel so excited to be getting this done but its still like 35 days away so all the excitement is making me sort of mad. I will eventually start a new post in the surgery experience thread when my time is here. For now, I'll just keep to my diet and routine and hope for a quick month to pass.


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