Author Topic: Feeling desperate, would really like to be with a woman without paying an escort  (Read 3304 times)

Offline Mibu

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These words really touched me and got me thinking.
“What would you do, if you knew you could not fail? Take the answer to that question and do that.”

I knew right away what I wanted to do. What I want to do if I couldn’t fail is try to get laid. Just go on Craigs list, casual encounters and start trying to get laid at least weekly. I’d probably also get an adultfriendfinder membership too. But here is the deal, I want to be with a woman not a man. This may be a big challenge for me. I’ve been with women before, but I haven’t in around 15 months.

I have a vice that I think most if not all women won’t like. I have gynecomastia that looks like boobs. I was overweight most of my life. But I work out a lot and right now I’m actually in the best shape of my life at 5.11, 200 pounds. Not the lightest I’ve been, but I have lots of muscle and I still have the man boobs.

I dress well and I think people can barely tell, but that is with my clothes on. This is my biggest vice, because it’s keeping me celibate. My therapist tells me that girls wouldn’t care, and that men are more visual than women, and women don’t care that much about that. But I feel he’s wrong on that.

I want to believe the saying at the top of this post too. To just act without fear of failure. But can you see it from my point of view? For me to look for casual sex with a woman is like going to a gun war with just a knife isn’t it? I have a chance at coming out a winner, but I feel the chances are the outcome won’t be good for me. I feel uncomfortable with my shirt off.

My appearance is important to me, I do my utmost best. I work my ass off at the gym like it’s my religion. At least 5x a week, and I see a difference in my entire body, except my chest rarely shows a difference. I was told that my gynecomastia is almost all fat, meaning the glan is basically not there, but it seems like I just can't get rid of all that excess fat. Even at 185 my lightest adult weight I still had the man boobs.

I’ve been trying to get a plastic surgeon to do the surgery for me, but that has been many weeks of getting appointments, consultations, and finally now waiting to see if my insurance will cover the operation. I haven’t had the word if they would yet, but if they don’t cover it, it will be at least $5,000 that I don’t have. And even if they do cover it, my chest will not look “normal” for around 10 weeks from now.

It sucks for me, because this is the best I can do with my chest. It really is my limit, I am doing what I can do with that, but yet I feel it keeps me celibate. What do you guys think I should do? If I can get sex with a woman for free, that’s what I want to do, like within this month if it‘s possible. I'm tired of being celibate. If its possible that's what I want.

Offline digitalgod

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Its simply then, what you need to do.
Save up $5000 and get a surgery.
It should not be that hard. It just requires a little planning and a little patience.

Offline Gallego

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I feel your pain Mibu. I myself am 24 years of age and still haven't had any intimacy with a woman. Imagine being 24, not ever having a sexual experience, unemployed, depending financially on your mom, and having boobies to top it all off.

In my case of celibacy, I don't feel comfortable with my self, under my own skin. Seeing myself naked repulses me, I have a horrible body image and no self esteem nor confidence. In short, I loathe myself. I am not even trying to get laid at this point, not at least until I feel comfortable with myself. In my opinion, if you can't feel comfortable with yourself and accept/love yourself and project confidence, don't even bother trying to get laid. How can you share yourself with someone if you can't even accept yourself ? It will only lead to disappointments and cause further damage to your already fragile psyche.

I've seen hideous looking men, short men, obese men, men with gynecomastia, etc, having healthy relationships with women. It is not impossible. How you may ask? Well, the aforementioned circus freaks all had one thing in common. They didn't give a rats ass (pardon my French) about their imperfections, or at least they appeared that way. Thats what chicks dig, confidence. They don't want dead weight around. They want to feel comfortable with the man they are with.

Unfortunately, I cannot accept myself, just not yet. My gynecomastia isn't necessarily THAT severe, but I am plagued by an array of peculiar mental disorders that came along before the gynecomastia decided to greet me and further ruin my mindstate. Wil I ever learn to love myself and accept me for who/what I am? I have no idea, but until then, I'll just keep visiting my favorite pornographic site.  ;D

Offline Dave_8

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Dude, honestly, more guys have more issues to deal with than the fact of getting laid. You're off to a good start. You are already in great shape, now you need is money. Some guys on here have no job, no friends, no money, no support, never been with a woman, and no idea how to get the surgery done. So man up and make money. You got this. My father, who agreed to help out with the surgery cost walked out on me and my mother. We were so close to having enough money when all of a sudden he gave me $2000 and said "son im sorrry I can only give you this much". He walked away from me with $5000 more that was promised for my surgery. Now Im working scrubbing toilets and working out just to hopefully get this done. You can do it easily.
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline Dpw

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Was up man I used to be the same way, I'm 24 and married to a pretty wife, I never talked to her about my moobs. I just act confident about them, matter fact om close to getting my surgery and she thinks its for a benign tumor just because I can't bring myself to tell her I'm not confident about my breast. I still Ho out on weekends and talk to other chicks but I don't cheat. You just need to be confident, have a beer or two for dome extra courage, talk to a chick, lay the pipe on her and move on, or fall in love with her if you like her, be confident, the worse thing a girl can do is turn you down, and who cares if they do, you ring ever see them again, I wouldnt suggest that prostitute route your goings, there are too many stds involved.

Offline Paa_Paw

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While a pretty girl will catch the eye of almost any man, most men are looking for more. We ultimately go for the girl who has character and other qualities.

The ladies are similar. They might be attracted to the Adonis, but they actually go for the man who they perceive to be the best husband and provider.

The ultimate truth is that what is between your ears is more important to the ladies than some surplus tissue on your chest.
Grandpa Dan


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