Author Topic: gynecomastia on NHS (from gp to operation)  (Read 3294 times)

Offline greaz

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I Will be going to the GP tomorrow so i can get referred. I was just wondering how long would/ could the whole process take from going to see the GP to having the operation done and would it make a difference if i request for it to be done as soon as possible because of stress or pain. I really want it done before i go university in October.

Offline Wod

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Youl only get reffered if they are really bad!, and it could be any time. NHS are crap, just like this country is. If the doc says no then thats it, mine understood my depression was also linked to my gyno but said even if he reffered me they wont operate. Cut backs, and people claiming because of the mess they leave. Everybody flames me for going to Poland but what difference does it make? Half of the surgeons over here aernt even English!. Polish people i dont mind one bit, probably better there then here lol


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