Author Topic: Donut Mastopexy  (Read 2795 times)

Offline rdy2bhappy

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Info: Black 28 y.o. 5'10" 175lbs and I loss 60 lbs or more 8 years ago

I've went on numerous consults recently and scheduled smart lipo & skin removal @ The Allure Spa in Michigan for July 7th and showed up but when I got there I asked the doctor to just do lipo or a donut mastopexy because I was uncomfortable with the "Tail Scar". He refused to do either, he said that if he just did lipo I wouldn't be happy with the results.

Out of the five doctors that I've visited only two wanted to remove skin and the others wanted to wait 6 months after lipo/excision. In the end he refused to do the surgery after going back and forth for 15 minutes so I was refunded my deposit minus the fee for blood work.

Can someone please explain why the doctor would refuse to do what I requested or why he wouldn't do a Donut Mastopexy? What suggestion do you have for me after looking at my picture(if it showed up) lol

I am thinking about having Lipo w/ Dr. Rick Smith in Lansing, Mi...if anyone can provide info on him it would be appreciated as well.

Thanks in advance

Offline Litlriki

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It's a little difficult to say from one photo what sort of result you might get from just liposuction, but in light of your skin type, I'd probably err on the side of caution and try liposuction along with excision of any non-fatty mass that's required, and then allow you to heal and get some contraction over at least 6 months.  At that point, depending on how things looked, I'd consider the donut mastopexy.  It doesn't look like you'd even need that on the left side...tougher to say on the right. 

I know Rick Smith, and he's a nice guy--I don't know much about his experience with gynecomastia, but you can ask him at your consultation.

Good luck,

Rick Silverman
Dr. Silverman, M.D.
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
29 Crafts Street
Suite 370
Newton, MA 02458

Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery

Offline rdy2bhappy

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Thank you for your advice Dr. Silverman.

One more question, would there be any reasons why I wouldn't want to do a Donut Mastopexy?

Offline Litlriki

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There is always a risk of unsightly scarring with any procedure, and a donut mastopexy leaves a scar all the way around the areola.  Pigmented skin has a higher risk of problematic scarring, so you might be at greater risk.  Of course, if you have had previous surgery and know that you don't scar badly, the concern is a little less.


Offline rdy2bhappy

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Yes, I was thinking that as long as I don't have a long scar I would settle for the lesser of two evils!

Thanks for your response Dr. Silverman.


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