Author Topic: Advice for guys with gynecomastia! MUST READ!!!  (Read 12571 times)

Offline gyne_22

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Hello everyone, I hope you guys are all doing fine. Especially with our condition, I know its been affecting you emotionally and mentally. I know it takes a lot of dignity and confidence to expose our man boobs. Before I get started, I would like to tell you a little story about myself and one of the most traumatizing experiences I had ever gone through. Last May, me and a friend went to a music festival and I was so nervous to go but I love going to music festivals. Especially my favorite DJ was going to be there. I went to this concert/ music festival 2 years ago but I didn't care about my moobs because I was fat and it blended right in. But Ive lost 80 lbs but still have boobs.  :-\ Anyway, I prepared myself with an under armour in the bottom of my shirt, a regular white tee over and a black shirt on top with lots of designs to cover it. This place that I went to was extremely hot and I mean HOT! I was sweating most of the time and I realized that my shirt was getting wet and my under armour was getting loose. Man, every time I walked around, everyone would look at me like I’m some fucking alien or a different human being. It was so bad. I just wanted to cry and leave so bad but I didn’t want to spoil this event for my friend. I was stared at most of the time and felt like I was being watch by at least 5 people every minute. I could never forget this experience. :( That night I just wanted to die and forget living. Then I realized that you know, life is so precious and there is a way to everything. Gynecomastia cannot compare to a person with an amputated leg or a child with cancer. We must all look at the bright side to everything. Even if it hurts you in every aspects, you gotta be strong and get back up. You are a human being, enjoy it and deal with it. And plus I didnt want to disappoint my amazing family that I have. It would be a heartbreak to them if something were to ever happen to me. So anyays, what I’m doing right now is going to work, saving money, working out, and going to school. I know some of you guys are embarrassed to work out at the gym or go running at the park because of your gyne. Heres a solution, wear a waist trimmer over it. It actually covers everything and it gives you the encouragement to work out extra hard or run at the park. Whats best about it is that it actually shrinks your boobs. Once you take it off, you can see all the sweat on the waist trimmer. You can purchase them at your neighborhood wal-mart and they're only $5. Also, I do not recommend under armour. Its better to purchase them on eBay or anywhere else online that is made for gynecomastia. Plus they're extremely expensive. Furthermore, now that i'm losing weight, I still want to get surgery done. I know that its gonna be about $7,000 and woah that’s a lot of money. Sucks doesn’t it.. LOL! But heres my solution to making that $7,000. Go to school and get financial aid. You can receive thousands if youre a full time student and that’s only one semester! Plus there are also scholarships available so get a hold of that at your school. Get a school loan or a loan from your bank or open a new credit card. Otherwise, work and save up. There are many surgeons who provides payment plans and hopefully they can work with your situation. Trust me you guys, there is a solution to everything, you just gotta take advantage of that. Please respond to this post if ive helped you in any way and if you need some personal help, I would love to help you. Just respond or message me. God bless my fellow brothers.

Offline canadianmoobs123

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Gynecomastia can't compare to other more "serious" , "fatal" conditions. I beg to differ. A person with lets say , cancer has the will and desire to live. On this forum there are many guys that have lost the will to live and are severely depressed. Someone with gyne gets no empathy from anyone, unlike a kid without a leg. Gynecomastia often leads to social anxiety, depression, and other psychological conditions. People with severe chronic or fatal conditions have the will and desire to live, and they often enjoy their life from a social standpoint. Getting stared at and called man boobs everyday does not exactly feel like your enjoying your life. I may sound emo/suicidal, but the psychological pains of gyne are more than severe enough to cause that. I'd rather live a short, but good life in which I die from a brain tumor, than a long life getting bullied and being called titty boy everyday. Sucks every bit of sanity out of you.

Offline gyne_22

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I totally agree with what you had to say and you must of come from a background where you were always teased a lot and it affected you to hate society. I have sever case of gynecomastia but I didn't let that affect my life. I mean, I actually love my life. I have really good friends who love me and we always manage to have a good time. We don't look at flaws from people. You need to find friends who will accept your moobs. Its your choice if you want to die early because of your boobs but it is also your choice if you want to do something about it. Be positive, think positive and do positive. Thats the only hope we have.

Offline Paa_Paw

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At the age of 18, right after graduation from High School. I joined the USAF and left for Basic Training.

Living in a barracks with communal showers and being expected to shower daily. I quickly learned that a person would only be the victim of a lot of teasing if they made a good victim. When I did not make a good victim, the teasing stopped.

The condition is an embarrassment, there is no denying that. But our worst enemy is usually ourself.
Grandpa Dan

Offline canadianmoobs123

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At the age of 18, right after graduation from High School. I joined the USAF and left for Basic Training.

Living in a barracks with communal showers and being expected to shower daily. I quickly learned that a person would only be the victim of a lot of teasing if they made a good victim. When I did not make a good victim, the teasing stopped.

The condition is an embarrassment, there is no denying that. But our worst enemy is usually ourself.
                                                                                                                                            Some people just aren't as mentally strong as others. If you were able to go through that, and still "didn't make a good victim" , I envy you, I truly do, cause for me, one comment about my moobs and I had a complete mental breakdown.

Offline headheldhigh01

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both aspects are true at the same time.  it IS more subtle in the way in which it devastates, and even if it has that effect, we CAN refuse to be victims too. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline jam14

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To be in society is boring, to be out of it is tragic.

Offline masked_1

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Your comment on the waist trimmer is dead correct they are the best way of hiding gyne! Been using one for two weeks and holy crap im totally flat! The one downside is tbey can be somewhat thick so you may still have to layer a little bit so that way its not obvious your waering one because if u just wear a single shirt you can see the outline under. But hey its not like guys with gyne dont layer anyway so you might as well look completeley flat chested! Gi e it a try guys you can buy them at walmart or most sporting goods stores. Best and cheapest gyne hiding solution no question


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A waist trimmer may work for you guys that are small, but for us guys that have gone through serious hormone problems or health issues and are very large, it even hurts to lay on them let alone smash them down!

I for one would not be able to manage a few hours let alone a day in a trimmer, however, thanks for the advise, but I will need to stick to support for the double "Ds".
« Last Edit: January 15, 2012, 12:02:17 PM by hammer »

Offline walt

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hi guys , a waist trimmer nah im just too large for that, i do wear a sports bra most of the time and it can get painfull after a while , but it beats the pain of the jiggle i get when i drive and the to each his own if it works for you then go for it.

Offline codemiester2006

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sounds cool... i got a spandexy type tank that I wear :/ but I was wondering if this is what you are talking about????

Offline riot1234

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great post mate, i have a good group of mates but always gets to me if i am talking to some one and their eyes glance down at my chest as they have seen something weird


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