Seems like you're fighting an uphill battle on this one bud. Everyone who has found this site found it because they had exhausted all resources. They worked out tirelessly, they cleaned up their diets, they lifted weights, and they did cardio religiously. What happened? Despite getting in better shape, their fatty breasts remain.
Search this site, it's rife with stories and pics of blokes who thought they could work it out, and ended up finding out the hard way that surgery is the only option. Sure, if you have breast fat, which most guys do, that might go away with diet and exercise if you adhere to some sort of spartan lifestyle. But who wants to do that? Some guys didn't win the genetic lottery, so their bodies just happen to place fat on their chest first and lose it their last? Are you suggesting they bust their ass to reach 8% bodyfat and then work their ass off the rest of their life to keep it there?
That's ridiculous, and I know, because I did that. You see, I'm one of those guys that no matter how much I ran, how heavy I lifted, how little I ate, my chest always bothered me. Sure, exercising got me in shape but what I always found out was that the fat remained. It didn't matter if I dropped down to 160lbs despite being 5'11 or whether I got down to 12% bf (the lowest I ever went). The fact of the matter was that the fat remained.
Because of that, I'm convinced that sometimes it cannot be worked out. Either way, life is for living. I like eating healthy and working out just as much as the next guy but I don't want to live a spartan lifestyle just have my chest in perfect condition. With surgery, I no longer have to do that. I'm a comfortable at 180lbs, my chest looks great and guess what, I still eat wings and pizza and drink beer. Does that mean I'm going to gain it all back? No, because I've never had a weight problem. I've had a fat accumulation in the chest problem and when I turned 30, I realized that I wasn't going to live a life of extreme moderation just so my body looked normal.
To others reading this post, if you seriously think that pseudo gyne can be worked off, then try it. Maintaining 8% bodyfat is too strict of a lifestyle for me. I'm perfectly comfortable at 15%, 180lbs, and gyne free. That, my friends, requires almost effortless maintenance on my part.