Author Topic: WELL, GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS  (Read 3781 times)

Offline Bluesun_Returns

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Weeks after my surgery it sort of seemed like the gyne was reemerging.  However, I went for my appointment to the PS last week and saw it wasn't really that.  He even took pictures and showed the "before and after".  I'm relieved to say that it's still a tremendous difference.

Thing is, I weighed myself while I was there and found out that I gained fifteen-pounds.  DAMN, that pisses me off!!!

I was hoping that I was losing weight but instead I was really gaining.  Then I remember that I was snacking-it-up quite a bit in the last couple of weeks.

Well, a word to those in their post-op stage, watch your weight.  If you're thinking that you're getting poor results, it could be that (weight gain).

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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Sounds like good advice
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline nothingworse

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Thanks for the advice will take that when I get my surgery soon. Want the best results surgery can offer. Best of luck on your healing process.

Offline ih8gyno

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Bluesun_Returns, you story really encourages me to get this surgery. I live in the New York area and have been looking out for a good surgeon, ; please give me all details of the surgery , how to contact the doctor, your recovery, and progress and cost of the procedure . I too want the feeling of walking around and not having people look at me in a different way, Congradulations to you.

Offline ASRel

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Yikes! I'm having Surgery on August 24th, I have my final exams from Aug 2nd till the 10th and I'm on a chocolate-eating binge ( I get hungry when I study ).

I hope I don't baloon up after the surgery.

Offline Bluesun_Returns

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Bluesun_Returns, you story really encourages me to get this surgery. I live in the New York area and have been looking out for a good surgeon, ; please give me all details of the surgery , how to contact the doctor, your recovery, and progress and cost of the procedure . I too want the feeling of walking around and not having people look at me in a different way, Congradulations to you.

Yeah, sure.

He's Dr. Scott J. Zevon at 75 Central Park West in New York City.  The cost was $4300.

As for the outcome so far, it hasn't come back, thank God.  In fact, it has even reduced a bit since the swelling has diminished.  Still, some of it remains where I wouldn't in no way; let's say, feel comfortable walking down the street wearing only a tank-top for a shirt . . . or even just a T-shirt for that matter.  However, I do look alot better than what I did before.

Maybe it's just me though.  Maybe it's all in my mind.

Anyway, if you have a severe case of gyne like I did, I recommend that you don't settle for just lipo-surgery alone.

Hope this helps, good luck.


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