Author Topic: Confirmation of gyno?  (Read 3055 times)

Offline mojoman42

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I'm fairly certain I have gyno, could anyone please confirm/tell me how severe it is?

Offline shaknbake

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Looks to me like you have a very mild case.  More puffy nipples than anything.  You are in really good shape though, so it doesn't look too noticeable in my opinion.
Shakenbake baby, SHAKE N BAKE!!  Ya, that just happened.

Offline mojoman42

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The thing is, I'm worried it's going to get worse. This happened pretty rapidly, over the course of a month or so. Does gyno continue to progress, or does it tend to stay at the level it's at?

I've been drinking half a gallon of whole milk (organic and grass-fed) every day for the past 1.5 years (need fat/calories due to working out). Is it possible that these large quantities of milk have caused my problem? And if so, would discontinuing the milk cause my gyno to go away?

Offline morpheus11

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Wow!  That's a lot of milk man.  Grass fed or not, that is a possibility.  I read on a paleo site that our bodies aren't really designed to drink the milk of another animal, and I'm speculating that maybe that has something to do with it.  I'm sure if you run a few google searches on milk and gynecomastia, you might have a better answer than what I've provided.

Regarding your pics, you're in great shape so I wouldn't be too concerned.  But to answer your initial question, yes, it does look like you have a bit of puffy nipps (mild gyne).  If you decided to get surgery, I would imagine it would be a breeze since you wouldn't need any liposuction--just a quick cut and removal of the tissue.  Take note, imagine being the operative word (I'm no surgeon).

Good luck man!

Offline mojoman42

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Thanks for the info everyone.

Yeah, I had already searched google, but nothing turned up. There were a few articles relating non-grass fed milk with gyno due to the added hormones, but that wouldn't be present in what I've been having. Are there any doctor's here who could comment?

Thanks for the info on surgery, I'm considering it and it's good to know it would probably be fairly simple. What's the average recovery time?

Offline Paa_Paw

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Sorry, but I don't see a problem.

There are many young men who only hope they will look that good after surgery.
Grandpa Dan

Offline mojoman42

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Sorry, but I don't see a problem.

There are many young men who only hope they will look that good after surgery.

Like I said, it only just started developing a month ago. My main worry is that it's going to get worse. I developed hard lumps under my nipples and they got extremely sore for a while. The soreness has gone away, but they puff out a lot now. Ideally I'd like to deal with it before (if?) it becomes too serious.

Offline Squish33

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Mild, but yes I think there's some there. But I think in your case it's so mild it'd be easy to shield it with gym ect. But if it's effecting you mentally, leave your options open.

Offline hang_lo

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I don't see a problem. No I don't see any puffy nipples. You are perfectly normal with a normal chest and nipples. Don't worry about the milk. If you think that regular milk has too much fat and that is causing fat in your body, change to two percent or less. Enjoy your nice body.

Offline shaknbake

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Sorry, but I don't see a problem.

There are many young men who only hope they will look that good after surgery.


You're in great shape, so I wouldn't worry too much.  That being said, it's so true that gyne can mess with your self image, and play havoc on your emotions!  No one here is a stranger to that I can tell you!  As far as them getting larger over time, it is certainly possible.  I know mine have.  But my case is MUCH more severe than yours, and lets face it, I'm in no where near as good of shape as you are in  :D.  If you keep up your work out routine as you have been, I doubt you will see much change, but I'm no doctor so I can't say for sure.  I think in most peoples cases, our chests have gotten larger over time more because of weight gain than anything else (hence the additional lipo along with gland removal).

Offline electric7

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you don't need surgery just build more muscle and u will be fine!


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