Author Topic: whats wrong with me  (Read 2297 times)

Offline whatiswrongwithme

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i know im pretty fat but they stick right out and dont even have a nipple tip is it because of fat or... ?

Offline Paa_Paw

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There is nothing wrong with you. The Insurance companies use the fact that there are so many of us with some degree of breast enlargement to say that the condition is statistically normal. In that way, they do not have to cover the cost of surgery.

Is it fat or gland? Yes. The fact is that both are present though one may predominate. At what point would it make a difference how much there is of each? The answer is that it really makes very litte or no difference to us. A surgeon doing a breast reduction procedure may alter his approach a bit depending upon what he finds but that is of little concern to us.

Getting to a weight you can maintain and getting in shape physicaslly may help somewhat but sometimes not at all. Having the breasts reduced surgically is the only way to get rid of the condition.

Meanwhile, there is help available here in how to conceal the problem. There are a lot of guys here all for the same reason. You can speak your mind and ask anything you like. You are among friends here.

Grandpa Dan

Offline Jaxed23

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Right nipple looks like it has a little bit of a tip. Post more pictures.

Offline whatiswrongwithme

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im not fat though i play football and im actually very strong with out man boobs its just all my shirts the nipples show

Offline davey2100

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you are pretty overweight but those nipples dont look normal, go see a surgen

Offline shaknbake

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Hi there!  First off, I'd like to say that I agree with Paa Paw, there is nothing wrong with you.  Those of us with any form of gyne shouldn't view ourselves this way.  None of us are perfect mind you (present company included  ;)). That being said, from your pictures, it looks to me like you have a case of puffy nipples.  Its actually pretty common among members of this site, and you will find many  cases of men here who have either accepted themselves as is, or gone the surgical route to correct it.  I myself went the surgical route (though I didn't have puffy nips, just a moderate case of gyne).  Either way is up to you as far as what route you would like to go.  Unfortunately, the only way to get ride of the issue is with surgery, so it kind of forces you to make a decision sooner or later.  In the end as long as you are happy with yourself, thats all that matters!  Hope that helps, good luck my friend.
Shakenbake baby, SHAKE N BAKE!!  Ya, that just happened.


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