Author Topic: My Nipples are still puffy 2 1/2 months post op!!!!  (Read 10880 times)

Offline cduub

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does anyone else had puffy nipples after gyno surgery! Please only those who have had this issue reply,also tell me what finally happened. :'(

Offline coorsbright

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Chill bro.. theres tissue built up in there.. just like any surgery.. rub the bumps daily to up.. they will vanish.. had it done.. looks better than people born without it.

Offline cduub

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How long did yours take to vanish?

Offline coorsbright

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Half yr maybe longer.. it is a pretty major surgery.. my thumb did the same thing.  just know thats tissue trying to geal the portion..   not the original gland still in there..  i barely rubbed it.. rub it bc i undi erstand it now..  i wasnt satusfied til 8 months or longsr after and felt like the dr. had missed some.. not true.. brews and marijuana doeant cause it to come back either.. its in your mind is what i have learned.. dont think of it

Offline ap123

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I am at about 3 months and it does look better than the past 2 months. My chest started out flat after the surgery then after about a week it looked like i didnt even have a surgery. The lumps were about the same size. But now that scar tissue that has still stuck around has subsided but i definately wouldnt take my shirt off still. But when I feel my nipples, the hard scar tissue seems smaller and a bit softer then before. So I can only assume it will keep healing and get better and flatter. I am just hoping this happens within the next month because I want to start enjoying the sun this summer and be care-free.  It is already really hot out. Hopefully you experience the same :). I hear that you dont see full results by 6 months in but I really want to be able to take my shirt off by atleast July so I can do what I want for a month instead of hiding and making up excuses not to have fun during the day. I will let you know how it goes for me though, and you do the same!

Offline cduub

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Hey coorsbright can you explain your healing process in alittle better detail like time frames etc. Dont mean to bother you brotha but im really curious?

Offline coorsbright

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The skin is just not elastic as usual at the beginning.  the nipple seems to be botox stuck looking wierd until the tissue below loosens and the skin tightens up.  think i was throwing a baseball within the first 6 months.  deff dont lifr weights for a bit.  the sun will enhande the scar.  really itvall just sucks back in overtime and the skin sticks back to your muscle. There should be no sugns after a year except maybe a lil scar discoloration on the cut.  that goes away as qell. havent you seen breast implants with no marks. its the same.. 

Offline n9ford

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I'm in the exact same boat, bro. From reading this board I have found many guys who stressed out for months before seeing final results they were happy with. It really does take time.


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