Author Topic: Northern Ireland: Any guys waiting, or have had Op  (Read 4678 times)

Offline CAP

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I'm a 31 year old guy in Belfast.  I've had gynaecomastia since childhood; and only now have I managed to pluck up the courage to do something about it.

A couple of days ago I asked my GP about the possibility of treatment.  He was very nice about it and has said he will refer me to a consultant; but that I should not expect to get an appointment to see a consultant for at least a year... and that if I have not heard anything by this time next year I should go back to him.

He said that any operation would be carried out at the Ulster Hospital (that made me heart sink, as it's filthy).

Have any guys on here had an operation for gynaecomastia in Northern Ireland?

Does anyone know how long the waiting list is?

There was a recent story in the News that, as NI has such long waiting lists for operations, the government is to start making hospitals (that cannot meet their targets for treating people) pay for the operations to be carried out in other hospitals throughout the UK.  That might give a glimmer of hope... but who knows!

Offline Merv_UK

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Also 31 from Belfast, had the OP privately about 5 months ago now (haven't logged on to the site for ages).

I checked out the options before going private in England (Levick). Have been on NHS waiting list for 5 years and was told to expect another 6 if I wasn't removed all together. My bro had the Op at The Ulster Hospital on the NHS about 10yrs ago. Hes fairly happy but I think mine was a much better job.

The Ulster Clinic do it Privately (by a general plastic surgeon, I think) but it was no more expensive to travel to Birmingham to get it done by someone who is carrying out a large number of Gyne proceedures every year.

If you a do a search under my user name you'll get a more detailed picture of the process I went through to get the op.

Ultimately, I found the situation worse in NI than in the rest of the UK.


Offline CAP

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Thanks for the reply.

I cannot believe that they can expect people to wait 11 years for an operation on the NHS in Northern Ireland.  It makes me so angry.

I'm not sure how I could find the money to go private, but would be interested in seeing the guy you went to... just to find out if I'm suitable for the operation and how much it would cost me.  Could you pass me some more details for the surgeon?

I'm still holding out hope that the new penalty system will be brought in, forcing hospitals like the Ulster to pay for operations at other hospital if they cannot perform surgery within a certain time.

Thanks again for the reply.  It's so hard to get information about this.  I would have thought there would have been some sort of support group or something that I could have contacted, but so far found nothing in NI.  It's taken me this long to get round to doing something about it... I can't let it go now.


Offline Merv_UK

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Mr Levicks phone number at The Priory Hospital in Birmingham is

01527 577675

As for Support Groups, this website and particulalry the UK forum are a great source of information and support. I highly suggest you take a while searching the forum for general information and to look at the options that may be available to you. Most things relating to Gyne will have been talked about here, at great length. You'll be able to find out about what surgeons are available and how people rate their experiences with them; travelling for surgery is also discussed.

Good luck, and keep going, now that you've taken the first big step of posting here.


Offline CAP

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Many Thanks Merv....

I hope your op has been a success for you.


Offline irish_dude

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  • Op performed with Mr.Levick, 19/8/2005

I know this won't be of much use to you, but I'm in Dublin and I'm due for an operation with Mr.Levick in the next couple of weeks.

When I had my inital consultation with Mr.Levick he breifly mentioned someone in Dublin doing similiar work.

However, as so many guys here had favourable reports about Mr.Levick, I decided to go with him.

I'm keeping an online diary at the moment and will take pre and post op pics and post the lot post-op.

Good look mate!

« Last Edit: August 07, 2005, 01:01:32 PM by irish_dude »

Offline Sean

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Hi guys,
I too am from Dublin. I have thought about surgery for so long now and Im going to go for it. Irish_dude, I am so interested about how things go for you. When is your surgery?? Would you do me a big favour and ask Levitt when you are with him, who the guy in Dublin is that he referred to??
If you dont mind me asking, what age are you too(Im 24)?
Sorry about all the questions but Im so interested in what you have to say!

Offline irish_dude

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  • Op performed with Mr.Levick, 19/8/2005
Hi guys,
I too am from Dublin. I have thought about surgery for so long now and Im going to go for it. Irish_dude, I am so interested about how things go for you. When is your surgery?? Would you do me a big favour and ask Levitt when you are with him, who the guy in Dublin is that he referred to??
If you dont mind me asking, what age are you too(Im 24)?
Sorry about all the questions but Im so interested in what you have to say!

I will indeed. Why don't you see Mr.Levick yourself?

The reason I went with him is basically recomendation and the positive stories from people on here.

I'd rather go with a surgeon whose reputation I know of.

I'm 35 and have suffered with gyne since about the age of 7 or so. Even when I was doing a regular keep fit routine at your age, I had almost a washboard stomach, but the chest refused to budge.

I've let my tummy grow as it doesn't make my chest look out of proportion (that's my excuse anyways, don't mention the pies!), but I've never had any problems losing my stomach fat with a bit of hard work.

My op is scheduled for next week *gulp*.

I'm completely sh*tting myself about the General Anesthetic as I'm a smoker and over-weight (5'11, 16 stone, but broad shouldered), but everyone assures me that the risks are minimal.

I'll be posting my diaries post-op.

Feel free to message me privately if you need any advice.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2005, 02:34:25 AM by irish_dude »


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