Author Topic: How much for Private?  (Read 2582 times)

Offline johnnyenglish

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Hi All,

This site is great!!! I wondered if any of you know the private costs? I am living in the Uk right now but am heading home for good soon I hope. OHIP won't cover me for 6 months after my return and I thought I would take advantage of the Pound to the Dollar. They want £3500 here, which is about $8000, insane eh? If any of you know any good surgeons I would appreciate it, from what I have read it looks as if this Fielding fellow is border line God. But I think I am willing to pay just to get rid of these bad boys once and for all. I have ordered some of that Andtractin to give it a go, but I am very dubious that it won't work. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Again I must say the support that I have seen on this site is incredible and it is a shame I have taken so long to find this.   Any advice would be greatful. (Peterborough area).


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