Author Topic: One more question about Underworks?  (Read 2545 times)

Offline nothingworse

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This may sound stupid first but, I feel it is important to ask. Any bad experiences with them. I figured if I ordered one now I could wear it to school underneath my shirt everyday. I will have surgery in about 2-3 months time and will not need that that long only for a while after surgery. Now to the point, has anyone worn one of these to school or somewhere and had a bad experience not the feeling of the shirt but, with other people. Like for example somebody puts there hand on you like kids do in school and feel this and are like what the heck are you wearing. Even though the shirt looks pretty normal from the pics. I just hate bad experiences in school it takes to long to hear the end of them. I just want to wear the vest for 2-3 months with nobody making a deal about it get the surgery and feel better and get this over with. Just anyone that has one of these any bad experiences and I mean any even very minor? Just would like to know it is safe to go to school wearing this under a shirt everyday.

Offline somedude

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I've had people hug me and touchy feely stuff and only one person said something to me, I said it was a tight undershirt and that was the end of it.

If someone asks you waht it is just casually tell them its a undershirt,

The more you make a big deal about it, or make up a big lie, the more people will harass you about it...
trust me I know, I work in a firehouse with 14 other guys, its practical joke city...


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