Author Topic: 19 year old with gyno, please tell me the difference between lipo and incision  (Read 8004 times)

Offline jason_w

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hey guys new here, basically i got gyno from puberty when i was 14, doctor at the time said it'll settle and go away, 5 years later its not and it even transfered nipples so theyre both puffy, i tried eveyrthing, somebody told me to work out, i did, and im low body fat, im like 10 percetn body fat with no fat, but my nipples remain, they're just puffy, literally no fat on my pecs, that being said they stick through my shirt and they are still relatively sore, i heard that it can be covered over here in ontario by OHIP , if you complain about pain and hows it affecting your life that being said again, somebody told me that lipo wouldnt be covered, only gland removal, but whats the difference? i made a doctor appointment next week and im going to ask him to refer me somewheres (im from niagara falls, thanks guys

i cant even wear shirts anymore and it really sucks, because i like my body, i hate my nipples, its the only thing ruining my life right now.. i lost the ability to workout because htey stick through my shirts..
what i hate the most is

you can feel the lumps under the nipple, one its right under, one its to the side a bit, it really depensd on the weather but sometimes it doesnt even show when my nipples are hard, thats what im scared of, if i get refered to a doctor and its cold or whatever, it wont look like i have gyno, but its horrible when its warm

Offline jason_w

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just viewing websites this place is right near me

and if im correct gynecosmastia is under the "OHIP PROCEdureS" which is good, the before and after pictures dont look like much changed though

can you ask your doctor to refer you somewheres?

Offline jay adams

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Incision means they cut the thick tissue under the nipple out. Thats what pushes the nipple out.
Lipo removes the fat that's usually spread out over the chest.
Be careful when you have a doc remove tissue from your chest. If they don't know exactly what they're doing you can wind up with craters. Look up "crater pictures" in the search bar up top.

Thats cool your Insurance might cover it. Just look at before and after pics from the referred surgeon. If you have no other fat on your chest you can prob have incision only. That would save you some bucks.

Be careful so you don't look deformed afterwards.

Offline jason_w

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I also heard somebody here say somebody in Toronto does it Ohip covered, it's quite the distance but heard good reviews, don't want that crater lol. Can I ask my doctor to refer me there or is it up to him?

Offline jay adams

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I couldn't say man. If the results are better up there I would try. Def travel as far as you have to to get to a good surgeon. (that was a lotta to's)haha

I drove six hours each way and stayed in a hotel. No regrets:)

Offline joltera

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I had the same type of gyno you describe. I'm thin and toned but had huge puffy nipples that stuck out almost an inch. Couldn't wear any t-shirt without an undersized tank top underneath compressing my nipples. If you see a doctor and your nipples are hard making your gyno not as evident and the doctor tries to tell you there's nothing wrong, see another doctor. They probably have little experience with these types of surgeries if they can't feel the excess gland and identify the problem regardless of how contracted your nipple becomes. Even if you have very little fat you should still get some lipo with incision to ensure you have a smooth contour. You do not want to risk getting a crater so do your research, the cheapest option is usually not going to be the best. You'll feel wayyy more ruined if you have a bad result. Good luck!
f*ck gyne

Offline jason_w

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thanks guys, im confused though, do you only get craters if you dont do the lipo part of it? i really didn't know you had to get both done, i thought it was one or the other!
i'm only 19 though, its not that bad, but i can't even wear shirts

didn't want to throw like 5 grand down for it, even though i really have to get it done, i just saw OHIP covered in ontario and i thought what the hell, its been bugging me for 5 years, cant even go to the beach.

thank you, yeah, its such a f-in piss off, i actually love the way my pecs are shaped, if i just had normal nipples i'd actually be happy, it actually really got me depressed at one point in my life, because even if i get it done, i don't think it would look 10000 percent normal, but better, shit, never new you could get these crater..

Offline jay adams

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You get a crater from the surgeon removing too much of the gland underneath the nipple. They gotta take the right amount out or your pissed off and have to pay to have fixed. If it can be fixed. Not trying to scare you, just be very aware.

Offline jason_w

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damn man. thanks though, that's scary, i know i'm not a surgeon and probably don't know what im talking about, but i hope my case isn't that hard to resolve, (if some are easier) i thought the whole thing would be pretty simple, i didn't know any of the gland had to still be there because under my nipple is just like a quarter lump and the rest is squishy, so i thought the whole lump would just come out,

last question

i've looked at many pictures here, and the after pictures it looks like the actually pec muscle is gone

i know not everyone with this works out, but i like the way my pecs are shaped, half the pictures on ehre people dont have much pecs at all, so after it looks like htey have none

but if you're a bodybuilder and get it done, will it make your pecs gone, or will the muscles still look the same?

i honestly thing a crater would look better than mine look now, at least its flat.

Offline jay adams

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Haha. You don't want no crater bro.
The flat look is a mix of people not working out cause they didn't want the gyno to push out before surgery. Also, right after surgery you're real flat. Then you swell up while your body is healing. THEN it settles and looks normal. All this happens over months.

Offline jason_w

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ugh i hate f-in gyno
5 years of shit with this

and a referal will probably take a good 5 months, + another year after surgury probably for it to look normal at all.

i'm not really sure what to ask my doctor already, i was 14 when i went and he said it would go away, now im 19 and need to ask him, i know ohip covers it at some places around here 1000 percent, but not sure if he knows that haha.

Offline jay adams

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I just posted pics of three days after surgery (flat) and three months (full again). Its in the user photos on page two. That'll give you an idea.

Offline jason_w

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damn man where did you go?

that looks insane, perfectly flat chest, congrats man,, i only pray evnetually when i get it done it looks anywheres near as good as that

for anyone that cares this is mine as of now

as you can see why this is really bothering me

Offline jay adams

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Everyone cares on this site. Remember we all share that bs gyno in common. I can't see your pic bro.

Offline jay adams

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Yeah man. You'll take real good to the surgery. Just gotta make sure they don't mess you up. Great build! Most people aren't in shape and expect a miracle. If you go in like that it should come out top notch.


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