Author Topic: Surgery Completed By Alex Karidis 05-Nov-13 (I really Hope this Helps Others)  (Read 1969 times)

Offline cenzo7626

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Hi All,

first of all i don't usually post on forums but felt compelled to do so here as this site has really provided me with a wealth of information / comfort.

here i go:

Brief Background

Basically been suffering with gyne since the age of 13/14 (I am now in late 30's!) During this time I visited a GP once and i was laughed at told its nothing to worry about.

I continued life like this and disguised it quite well with the clothes I wear etc.

Having joined the gym earlier this year I lost a load of weight - this actually made the gyne look worse as my chest muscles started to a started reading up on the net about Gynecomastia.

After much research I considered going to Poland due to the significantly lower cost of surgery - however after much reading on the Forums I decided for me it was better to stay local (London) and lump the extra cost.

I booked a consultation with Alex Karidis for early October


The consultation itself was very quick (10mins).

Dr. Karidis examined me and confidently told me he could make me flat! I actually didn't have many questions as i was armed with all the data from this site.


Consultation fee: £100 (goes to charity)
Blood test fee: £146 (You can get this done yourself)
Karidis fee: £2940
Hospital fee: £1483

Total: £4669

I was offered 05-Nov-13 as the first available date so booked it (Paid £1000 deposit) Remainder had to be paid the following week.


I was asked to arrive at the hospital at 9am, upon arrival i checked in at the main desk and was taken to my room. at about 9.30 Dr. Karidis came in and marked me up and took some photo's - he said i would be in for surgery at about 10.30.

A Nurse then came in and checked blood pressure etc and asked a series of question. She asked me to change into a gown, compression socks and then some over socks with grips - i was not allowed to where my crocs down to theatre (she said I did not need to wear the disposable underwear and to keep my boxers on.

At about 11am i was walked down to the anaesthetists room; again they checked my vitals - they injected me and they put a  gas mask on me, all i remember was thinking its not making me sleep! it obviously did as i woke up at 14.15 in the recovery room dying of thirst and horrible pain in my throat (apparently this is expected as they put an airway in your throat)

Post Operation

I was taken back to my room by about 14.40 and told to slowly drink water and try and go for a pee. My food arrived at about 16.00.

I was not in much pain at all and did not require any pain killers. The nurses came in and out and kept checking my vitals and for bleeding etc. i was finally discharged at 17.00.

its now 21.00 and i have taken 2 pain killers and had some food - i feel absolutely fine (just a little sore - I think this is from the compression vest)

I will try and get some more photos up tomorrow once the vest is off....



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