Author Topic: Revision Surgery  (Read 1123 times)

Offline packers10

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To Dr's and Revision Patients,

In 2008 I had liposuction only. 2 days ago I had a revision surgery conducted with gland excision with liposuction. The results look fantastic being 3 days post OP. My only concern is that my PS told me that I do not need to wear a compression vest, because of the amount of scar tissue removed from the first procedure. Something along the lines of not wanting the skin to adhere too quickly. I currently have drains in and will have them removed next week once I begin putting out less than 20cc in a 24 hr time period of fluid. Is it safe to assume my PS doesn't want to use a compression garment yet with the drains still in? I was told to just settle with an under armor like shirt for now. I purchased one online and put it on. I called in to notify them, but they told me not to wear it since it is not following their guidelines. Should I keep it and save it for after I get the drains removed? No complaints now though, because I have absolutely no bruising and minimal scaring. Prior to the surgery my Gynecomastia was classified as level 2 (I had a decent amount of gland that extended underneath the nipple to the under armpit). I'm so excited with the results right now, but I'm concerned that without a compression vest the results will be similar to the last procedure. Is it normal to not have a compression vest during a revision? The nurses at the office don't have a straight answer, they just told me to wait until my follow up on Monday. Any input/discussion would be appreciated.



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