I'm Day 2 post op & I cant be any happier with how it is already! I know there's brushing swelling still to come but my nipples were stitched up good which are already healing flat! Thank god!
So Ill give u a detailed run down from start to finish. Hopefully it helps people. As I've read many others on hear which have helped me.
March 12th- I booked a consultation with dr lanzer.... Got to his office & waited nearly over 2hrs later.
(His known for having poor time management skills but is only because his finishing on someone else's surgery. & he doesn't like being rushed! Which is a good thing!)
& his social skills are weak as well. But I asked him all the question I had & he answered them all.
First you meet his p.a- brad. His a top bloke who is great at replying all emails & messages you leave for the dr. Responses I got back with in 20 minutes. He told me make sure I tell the dr everything I want to say before he leaves. & I made sure I did.
So I spoke to brad first... Talked about how my pain tolerance is.... & we came to the conclusion that I would be AWAKE which came to cost $4500. If I wanted to be asleep it would have been $6500.
$4500 was a no brainer!
-cheaper and the if there was pain, it would be a constant reminder of what I got done & not take it for granted. But more coz it was cheaper.
So... I saw the dr & took my top off & he gave me a quick examine by touching & lifting my 'boobs'.
He said I was a good candidate & I should receive pleasing & satisfied results.
Went home & talked/thought about it...
(My sister got lipo from him(thighs) & she was very happy with her results) so I was more biased to go with him.
April 20th- I called to book the appointment for May 15th. I got a blood test which is required last week, & had to speak on phone to a psychologist to see the reasons why I want it & what I expect... Blah blah.... Bunch of rubbish it was talking to her.
DAY 1- MAY 15!!
Arrived at 12.00 waited till 1pm. (I expected it)
Then I finally got admitted to the surgery room.
The gave me a hair piece, gown, & paper cloth boots to wear during surgery.
The nurse came in once I changed & gave me a purple pull to put under my tongue to relax me, a pull to swallow for infection, & 2 needles in the bum for??? I don't remember why.( all I was thinking was 'this nurse is looking at my hairy arse! Lol) dr came in for about 5 min... Talked about results again.. He took photos to compare with post op. & he got a marker & drew circles around my chest where to suck from.
So then they (2 nurses) laid me on my back & gave me sum anesthetic needles to the chest on both sides so they could cut and put to bags of clear liquid called timencine??? I think it's called that... It's a numbing liquid that numbs the whole chest & separates the skin from the fat & stops bleeding. I FELT NOTHING! I was shocked! They said that part is the worst as some feel a little pain! As soon as I heard that I thought the sucking part would be nothing then.
Then I had to wait 30 minutes for it too all set in & take affect for the fat to loosen... I looked at my chest... WOW my boobs were massive!!about 2 litters were in me... It felt so weird touching them.
Then the nurses started sucking the fat out of me... FELT NO PAIN WHAT SO EVER!....
I asked where dr lanzer was?.. They said they start of the sucking. & he'll come in to sculpt & level & do the final stages of the sucking. I could feel the tube in me sucking but it just felt like someone's fingers rubbing up & down my chest. I was waiting and waiting for some pain! Nothing!
Then as dr lanzer was finishing up on my last side... As he was doing that I saw the other nurse cutting my nipple... Felt nothing once again... I asked her... 'Are you cutting the nipple?' & she said I'm stitching it up already... The dr cut it & opened & pulled out the chunk of gland. & as I was talking to her. The dr was already pulling out my left gland... Which I could see he had a little trouble..... Lol. It was thick!.. Then he stocked it up... Told me I was done.
I got padded up with the nurses & got my vest which cost & extra $170.
Once I was cleaned up... The said I could change into my clothes I came in with.
So I looked around & I had my phone with me.... I was talking photos of everything!!!
I'll try put up all photos....if I know how to.
Then my sister came at 4pm & we went home. 3hrs is all it took!
& the pain I felt from a score out of 10.... 2 which were just the numbing needles.
I just can't get over the fact there was NO PAIN!
That night I slept on my back coz I couldn't sleep on sides or front... WORST SLEEP EVER.
DAY 2- MAY 16th
Arrived & got my padding removed.... That thing was heavy!!! Full of leftover liquid & blood.... Then dr lanzer came in & looked & examined me... He was happy with the result.. The nurses said it looks good also. I looked down!...OH MY GOD!... I was flat! I've never been this flat since primary school!
But I still have to go though the swelling a bruising period which causes lumps and bumps so the muscle and skin to reattach & fill out & fall into place. Still along way to go.
Booked an appointment for stitches taken out next week. Walked to my car...
As I was Passing the window shops reflections.... With my tshirt.. FLAT! Great happy feeling.
& I feel great! I slept in the arvo on my sides now & I only wear the vest.(no padding)
That's it! Any questions I'll be happy to answer!
& I HIGHLY recommend dr lanzer! He did 3 gyno procedures that day including me & 2 the day before... Well that's what the nurses told me when I asked if he was common for guys wanting it done by dr lanzer.
I would do it again & again if I had to!
He was excellent! & the nurses are just as good as they did basically half the procedure without him.
I'll try do photos now.
& my before & after images tomorrow after my 1st shower!
Thanks guys!