Author Topic: 6 days post op  (Read 2071 times)

Offline Mas_Tsae

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Back in March this year, I posted here, asking about my chest:

My case was fairly mild compared to others that I have looked at, but it bothered me that when wearing close fitting t shirts and such, a "bud" around my nipple formed a definite outline. Warm weather and going shirtless was also uncomfortable for me.

On 10 July 2014 I underwent surgery with Dr Christopher Inglefield BSc MBBS FRCS(Plast) at London Bridge Plastic Surgery in West London.

The surgery itself appeared to go fine... I was given some Tamazepam to relax me, and the procedure took around 45 minutes or so. I was under local anaesthetic. An incision of around 1-2 inches was made around each areola to excise the gland only. I did not undergo any fat removal / liposuction.

I was a little surprised by my doctor's certainty in this regard. I did not undergo any ultrasound scan or other checks, he appeared confident in the gland tissue being the only problem from physically inspecting the area.

I see mixed opinions from different doctors in advice around post operative care, for example, length of time wearing a compression vest, length of time wearing dressings over wound, sleeping positions, etc.

My personal advice has been to wear the compression vest for at least 2 weeks. The dressings will be removed from my wounds in 2 weeks (1 week and 1 day from now). I must admit I will be quite nervous to see what sight greets me on that day...

Post Op medication has been co-dydramol (1-2 tablets to be taken as required) Arnica tablets and a "Surgery remedy" tablet. God knows what the last one is!

So far, bruising around each site seems to be localized to about a 2-2.5 inch circle around the nipple in a lovely shade of yellow. Swelling does not appear to be particularly alarming, but I don't really have anything to compare it to, it may look worse without the dressings and when the vest is removed.

I slept on my side for the first time on night 5. This was after 1 painkiller tablet taken earlier in the evening I believe, and I had no real issues of discomfort, but I still try to be careful.

I have relaxed my diet somewhat since my operation, enjoying foods I would usually not usually consume much of, and on days 4 and 5, I went for a fairly gentle walk to get some fresh air, around 30 mins each time.

I will go for a Manual Lymphatic Drainage session at midday tomorrow (the first of 2 that are booked), so I look forward to hearing the nurse's feedback and comments.

Happy to answer any questions if anyone has any.


Offline Mas_Tsae

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Picture update with my chest 12 days after surgery, below. I am wearing small plasters over my the sites still but the scarring appeared not too look too bad before they were put on, hopefully you can tell to a certain extent.

I can already see that my chest is flatter and the shape I would have hoped for I think. It's roughly the first time I've felt like I have definitely made the right decision. I still have a while of healing left, but I am looking forward now to moving on with my life.

Offline s00ntobe

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looks a lot better and completely normal to me, success!


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