Author Topic: what is the best way to burn fat off the chest  (Read 8008 times)

Offline blowmybrainsout

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what is the the best way to burn fat from the chest

Offline gynosucks1

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the only way to spot reduce is topical penetraters containing various ingredients.. more prominantly yohimbine.

but for this to work u need to have a low enough bodyfat.

you need to be in a -kcal diet.

and be in a ketogenic diet.

Offline blowmybrainsout

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i all ready have low body fat 12% and diet and workout and all that nonsence but i only really workout out my upper chest and have good tone there but the rest of my chest seems to be kind of puffy and loose and im just wondering how i can burn of the fat and tighten up the rest off my chest and get it cut so then i can be left with only the problem off puffy nips which i can live with so any suggestions will be greatly appretiated thanx

Offline gynosucks1

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my advice.

skulpt topical.. found at at cheapest price.

i've used it to reduce my psedu gyno about 70%.  

works wonders.

but again, ketogenic diet, cardio, -kcal defecit, and application consistancy.

it's not magic.  but it works for sure.

topicals get a lot of crap, but they have been proven to work.

skulpt also has the AI (armotyze inhibitor) that 6-oxo contains and is localized distribution in your breast.  You will probably expieriene some gyno reduction as well as your chest fat shrinking.

i think if u have major gland, it wont help you.  but if u have the fatty type of gyno (gland mixxed with fat)

this is awesome.

Offline girlieman

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An acetiline cutting tourch!  That'll burn it off  ;D

The Jenny Crack diet program works well, too.

And don't forget crank.  The Crystal diet program is the Bomb!  Tweak n' Freak for a week!
« Last Edit: September 08, 2005, 08:15:18 AM by victor_victoria »
'I could never be a woman.  I'd spend the entire day playing with my breasts' - Woody Allen

Offline Paa_Paw

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Around the chest is a normal place for men to have fatty deposits.  

Some men have expressed success at reducing Gynecomastia by weight loss and/or exercise.  But no one that I know personally has had success unless their gynecomastia was due to severe obesity.  even then the Gyne was reduced, not eliminated.

Since this is a normal place for fat to deposit,  some men would have to lose weight to an unhealthy degree to significantly reduce their breasts.  

The irony is that starvation can produce gynecomastia too.  So dieting or fasting to excess could actually make the condition worse.
Grandpa Dan

Offline gynosucks1

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Around the chest is a normal place for men to have fatty deposits.  

Some men have expressed success at reducing Gynecomastia by weight loss and/or exercise.  But no one that I know personally has had success unless their gynecomastia was due to severe obesity.  even then the Gyne was reduced, not eliminated.

Since this is a normal place for fat to deposit,  some men would have to lose weight to an unhealthy degree to significantly reduce their breasts.  

The irony is that starvation can produce gynecomastia too.  So dieting or fasting to excess could actually make the condition worse.

i would reallly like to know how and what proof you offer for starvation leading to gyno.

in males the main method .. i can go on to say only because the other is insinginficiant in retrospect

is aramotyze enzyme acting on test

with starvation test is shut down, however est is also e qually shut down and the ratio is kept in check.

the way gyno can develope is obeseity of overeating.  not only from elevated hormones but from more est being stored because of more fat.

Offline ruggeddtoast

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Where you lose and put weight on it entirely down to your genetic make-up. I have yet to see a single study that indicates localised fat loss is possible and anything other than a side effect of general fat loss.

If youre overweight then losing fat is of course the best way to go but if youre  a normal body weight and you have gyne then at some point you have to deal with the fact you have gyne.

We all want to get rid of this problem but smearing on expensive lotions and what not purchased from kwack clinics is unlikely to do anything in the long term except make you feel very miserable and frustrated.

Offline Worrier

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I don't think it is possible to spot-reduce, off just one place on the body.  weight comes off in different places, you have no control over it.

I lost fat from my face, then my hips ,legs and arse and arms. In that order. I still have a it of stomach and chest fat to lose but not a huge amount now.

Personally I have found long runs (not on a treadmill) and circuit training to be the best ways for me to get rid of stubborn fat. I wouldn't bother with the pills and potions  they are probably expensive and they probably have side effects as well.

Offline gynosucks1

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it is possible to spot reduce

not only emperically, but practically as to bodyfat shifts in women during meanapause

with skulpt you have localized anti estrogen that decreases fat storage, as well as creates blood flow to that tissue.

topical fat loss creams all generally work if they have a good penetrating system.  but with that said they work by you being in a -kcal defecit, and all they do is create bloow flow to that area so fat can be burned.  (stubborn areas)


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