Author Topic: The Chemical That Could Give You GYNECOMASTIA  (Read 1657 times)

Offline dan716

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Who knows anything on the accuracy of what's written in men's health below?

"Can BPA give you man boobs? According to a new report in the journal Reproductive Toxicology, early exposures to the chemical commonly found in canned foods (short for bisphenol-A) could promote abnormal breast growth in boys and adult men."

"Researchers exposed male mice to very low doses of BPA, and found that the mice went on to have enlarged mammary tissue in adulthood, explains study author Laura Vandenberg, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow of biology at the Center for Developmental and Regenerative Biology at Tufts University."

"This study provides additional evidence that the mammary gland is exceptionally sensitive to low doses of BPA when exposures occur during early development," she says. "What is different about this study is that it is the first to suggest that the male mammary gland could be affected by BPA exposures."


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This is incredibly interesting. Curious if this could be my case. Doc's have labeled the cause idiopathic, but curious as if it is effective in adulthood or just younger during developmental times. I drink out of a milk jug (gallon of water) a day for well over 5 years and at 28 going on 29 have begun developing quite a bit. Curious if the over time exposure to this has caused growth to occur. Did the study say anything about dismissing the exposure halted the growth or if growth continued. I'd like to get a bpa free jug just cause the toxins also are said to be cancerous but the expense of them kidna sucks. I work in a laborious job and water is definitely a great thing to have and a habit just for health of it i've developed

Offline Paa_Paw

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"Idiopathic" is a medical word that roughly means: "Your guess is as good as mine."
Grandpa Dan


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