Author Topic: 3vs1 said no gyne...  (Read 2271 times)

Offline whatsnextforyou

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I suspect I do have mild gynecomastia, with only prominent areola; bilateral. Had it for almost a decade now. Living fine with it but I thought solving the issue would give me more confidence.
Looks fine when nipples contract or when I am lying down flat on the bed - and that's exactly the issue because most examinations at the clinics had me lie down on the bed, and the clinics are usually cold in temperature so my nipples would contract a bit. As such, out of 4 doctors I have seen, 3 said I have no problem...
Went to see a GP for my suspected gynecomastia but the guy said there wasn't any problem. I was pretty puzzled but figured out that probably the clinic was a little cold in temperature and my nipples contracted to the normal size...
Went to see a second GP. This time round my body temperature was higher because I was rushing to meet the appointment. Female doctor said I have mild gynecomastia and referred me to specialist.
Went to breast specialist. She said I had no problem. Said it was psychological and referred me to a plastic surgeon. Had blood test and testes examination. Well, had some stares because patients waiting for the breast specialists were all females.
Went to plastic. He said I had no problem as well! Had testes examination again and said liposuction would not help because I have chest muscle and very little fats around the chest. An excision might help a bit but it might not be worth the risks and potential complications arising from the surgery. I showed him some photos I took at home to show him why I think I have gyne and he was slightly shocked that it looked different from what he examined... But nevertheless it seemed that what he saw during the examination was what he was going to believe...
Do my photos suggest that I have gynecomastia?

Offline igotum

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I would say you just have puffy nipples. Your chest looks normal to me. I think Drs can fix it but I would be careful. I think you run the risk of losing sensitivity of your nipples.

Offline whatsnextforyou

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It's slightly frustrating because the physical examinations done by the breast specialist and the plastic surgeon had them conclude that the area around my nipples are not hard, therefore unlikely to be breast tissue. The plastic surgeon thought that it's likely fats and suggested I go to gym for some bench-press instead... I was overweight for close to a decade too before I slimmed down, but I haven't tried bench-pressing. Probably would try to see if it works. If it does work, it's likely fats. If not, oh well.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Surgeons make their money in the operating room.  Their outpatient office barely pays for itself.  You have had several surgeons tell you that they could do nothing for you.  I think you should respect their honesty.
Your might try another who is well qualified and is known for good results.  but if you get turned down yet again it is time to think that you might be unrealistic in your appraisal of yourself.  
It is very true that we are very often our own worst enemies in many ways.  
Grandpa Dan

Offline igotum

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Dan you are right on in my opinion. I have artery disease and 3 Drs have said bypass surgery and surgery on the legs that are plugged up is too risky. They say I might not make it. Ok I went to 3 Drs and all told me the same thing. I am sure if I kept going to different Drs there would be 1 that would say sure I will do it. I will just take it as it comes. Gyne is nothing to me, but that's just me.

Offline whatsnextforyou

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I do agree with you guys. Compared to other medical conditions, gynecomastia as a cosmetic problem, ain't that crucial nor life-threatening. And I totally agree that we feel what we think.
Whenever I compare myself with more unfortunate people, such the blind or even amputees, I always feel relieved that I am so much more fortunate - gyncomastia is nothing! But I also asked myself many times; why do I always avoid non-printed shirts, why do my friends tease me about my "condition", why do I feel embarrassed taking off my shirt, and if all these matter at all. I concluded that I can live with this "condition" forever and lead a happy life too!
So why am I still bothered by my "condition"?
There are many pillars that make me confident of who I am - my career, education, relationship. I am glad that I have satisfied myself with these pillars but at the same time, I would most welcome an additional pillar to further prop up my confidence - my physique. And that's indeed, I believe, how plastic surgeons earn - selling people this pillar of confidence. Is there an end to the number of pillars one can add? That really depends on the individual, and on the extreme end, that's when you see stories of people being addicted to plastic surgery. As for me, I don't really care if my puffy nipple is a medical condition or not, I just hope for it to be flatter. Cheers!

Offline igotum

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I am sorry if I came across as belittling your condition. I have compassion for everyone with Gyne. It is obvious it bothers you some. After reading my post again I said Gyne was nothing to me..........that is not true! I wear a bra every day to help my breasts to feel better so I can't say I am unaffected by Gyne. I just don't worry about what others think. I hope that clarifies all that.

Offline whatsnextforyou

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No worries, didn't take it the wrong way! Anyway, do take care of your health too!  Thanks man!


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