Author Topic: Professor G Byrne  (Read 3164 times)

Offline Jab123

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Hey guys,

I had a consultation with professor Gerard Bryne at Manchester hospital yesturday. Everything went really well and he seems really experienced although he didn't have any before and afters to show as he mentioned its hard to do this.
He said his work is all over the Internet however I've only been able to find a few threads about him and most of them don't have follow ups of results ,
Has anybody used him? Or heard about his work?

Any replies appreciated :)


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Hey guys,

I had a consultation with professor Gerard Bryne at Manchester hospital yesturday. Everything went really well and he seems really experienced although he didn't have any before and afters to show as he mentioned its hard to do this.
He said his work is all over the Internet however I've only been able to find a few threads about him and most of them don't have follow ups of results ,
Has anybody used him? Or heard about his work?

Any replies appreciated :)

A bit suspect that he didn't have any before and afters. Sounds questionable tbh mate.

Offline Jab123

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Thanks for your reply mate, that's what I thought.. 
He said is not easy to do them for certain reason I can't remember why, however I've seen threads on here about him by people but they've never followed up on how it went etc. So im not sure 


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