My name is Tal and im 30 years of age, ive had a Gyno removal surgery 12 years ago that got botched, i have craters, deformities and the most annoying thing is the major loose of sensation in large part of my chest..
since the operation ive learned a lot about the human body and plastic surgeries and their real implications
my conclusion is guys that WE ARE IN THE STONE AGE regarding to plastic surgery..
today as a grown person i have a different view about the plastic surgery industry, although the operations take place in many cases in some high tech room with fancy instruments, in the end of the day the doctors use knifes and stitches to get the job done, medieval ways to get the job done rapped in fancy instruments, logos and brands.
the doctors cannot grow anything back, THEY CAN ONLY CUT THINGS UP AND LEAVE YOU WITH SCARS.
when you go to the doctor and ask for a plastic surgery the doctors almost never tells you the full implications of the procedure:
1)the doctor will often never tell and teach you about the full implication of such procedures.. how the scar tissue that forms can darn up your body in so many ways, the doctor will never tell you how scar tissues are not normal tissues and how they can affect the functionality of other soft tissues like muscles and tendons, they will never tell you that everythings is inter connected...
2) the doctor will never tell you about the damage to the fascia, its important roll in holding everything together and how destroying the gentle fabric if the fascia can darn you up in so many ways and how important it is to have a healthy facia so everything will work smoothly..
3) they will never tell you that the breast implant that they just insertred into your chest is rejected by the body by forming some kind of scar tissue around it, the same it will do with every foreign object in the body..
4) they will never tell you how liposuction is basically an operations of non less of a thousands stabs into soft tissues, fascia and more and the permanent damage it creates to those tissues..
and there are so many more guys you wouldn't believe it, i wonder how many people would have go for these procedures if they knew their full implications of them...
being able to get a plastic surgery so easily today as buying a candy is so wrong in so many ways, i believe that governments should force doctors by law to ask for their patients to attend in some kind of a short class that will teach them the full implications of the procedure and its full implications on the body before they go under the knife and even maybe take a test to see if they understand what they are doing to themselves.... if the person still want to go for the procedure so be it..
i will have to spend my entire life now with botched chest, major firm scar tissues, damaged nerves and more and all because of some dream that was sold to me in a fancy room with some doctor who had diplomas pictures on his wall...
at the end of the day the doctor took a knife, yeah like a small kitchen knife, had my laying down and cut a part of me while leaving me with all of this mess...
this industry is just sick and i hope that will be regulated as soon as possible!