Author Topic: Oh yes, forgot, new painful turn to my gyno  (Read 2685 times)

Offline BringExtraDragons

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I discovered this site not too long ago, maybe a couple of months and this is when I discovered my puffed out nipples weren't going to go away so easily, something call gynecomastia appeared, ( blast! ) Anyway, I saw some people post messages regarding pain being involved in their gyno and I always thought, ouch that would really suck to have perpetual glandular "pains" , surgery being the only way cut these problems out.

I started examing my own pectorals and nipples for these lumps, but I made sure i massaged gently, very very subtle and soft. I did find one small stringish/fibrous lump and ever since i found it, It's kind of become a habit to search it out and examine it by touch ( usually when i'm going laying in my bed to go to sleep, i do this by habit lately )

But ever since about 2 weeks ago, the lump close to my right-side nipple started to hurt a bit, it felt very similar to when you are sore from working out, or when you lightly push on a bruise. To this current day, the pain is ALWAYS there, its not really intense or anything, but its Perpetually annoying and now i can't keep my focus off it. Keep in mind, I do not aggrovate it in anyway, I've always been as gentle as a lamb ( because i read post from users that played rough with their glands and they swelled up and caused pain ) So now it feels like my right pectoral region is forever sore, or bruised, and it seems to be getting gradually worse.

What is the deal with this pain? It's gonna get close to a month since it started and it shows no signs of getting any better.

Offline GodWasAngry

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I hear ya... I used to do the same thing from time to time when i went to sleep, if i touched them too hard they started to hurt and the pain passed after afew days... in your case, since it's been like this for a month (considering you haven't touched them in that time, if you have - stop!) i think you shuld go to see a doctor.

Offline Worrier

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yeah i agree with the angry guy ;D

if you have not been touching them for  a month see your doc.Just in case.

I went for a similar case myself when i first got gyne. Mine is only on one side but i started touching it checking for lumps and such and i made it sore. I left it for like a week but it was still hurting so I went to the doctor and he had a look and just said stop touching it and you have probably bruised it or the muscles.

i aready had an utrasound so they knew it wasn't anything else.After i made an effort to forget about it and stop touching it ,  it went gradually after a while. You have proaby bruised something. Even though you say you were doing it gently doesn't take much especially if you have glands.

« Last Edit: November 05, 2005, 02:35:10 AM by Worrier »

Offline nothingworse

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I also felt your pain dragons. I had painful glands for almost 4 years. They just throbbed and would never stop. I got surgery yesterday and the glands are gone all 2.15 pounds of them and I feel so much better minus the soreness. I would advise you to see your doctor to see what you should do next. I went to the doctor and saw 2 surgeons then got my surgery done. Those retched glands can cause problems sometimes. Gyne itself is a problem. Well good luck to you I hope everything gets better.

Offline micheal1

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Youve described my pain exactly. U showed check my last post titled Seriously Scared posted on 11/6/2005. I describes when I frist stared experiencing pain.

Offline Paa_Paw

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It could well be that  you are stimulating and increasing the sensitivity of your nipples.

If you get your jollies that way fine, otherwise leave them alone.

Seriously,  it would be natural for them to be much more sensitive if the tissue is actively growing.  Since you have just recently become aware of the condition this may be what is happening.  Best to see a Dr. ASAP.

Some of your wording leads me to suspect you are working out,    Have you been messing with a chemistry set too?  
Grandpa Dan


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