Author Topic: My Gyno Transformation Using Diet and Exercise  (Read 1783 times)

Offline jdbryce_gyneshredfitness

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Hey guys, I had stage 2 gynecomastia for close to 15 years beginning at puberty, and I was able to get it under control naturally through fitness and diet. The comparison photos are me between 2013-2014, after finding my passion for fitness and losing over 40 pounds. The last photo with my chest tattoo is me now in 2019. A lot of guys are under the impression that exercise wont do anything, especially if they have glandular tissue, and this is something I did too. The reality I discovered for me is that it can make a HUGE difference, even if the gyno is still technically there. For me, I was beyond fed up with my circumstances and didn't accept that it would need to be cut out. I was bullied really bad throughout school and I had really low self-esteem, so it was really discouraging that everywhere I was reading was telling me that surgery was the only option I had. I was a student at the time and couldn't afford to pay $7000CDN that I was quoted for surgery, so I had to find another option. I decided to go to the gym, without every stepping foot in one, and in a couple months it honestly made a huge difference for me. In the 'after' photo, I still technically have the glandular tissue behind the nipple, but as you can see it disappeared SIGNIFICANTLY from what it was. I did that by reducing my body fat, toning my chest and other areas, correcting my really poor posture through back strengthening, and also eating the right foods that helped to naturally boost my testosterone levels, reduce inflammation, etc. 

I'm sharing this to help guys get started who are going through what I went through, so I hope you get some value out of it. I'm a personal trainer who now specializes in guys struggling with excess breast tissue, so I created a free fitness guide to show guys a few techniques, and to share a few fitness tips, if anyone's interested. This forum was extremely helpful for me when I was going through my own challenges, so I'm not selling anything, and genuinely want to help.

I explain a little bit more about my journey to getting rid of it naturally through fitness and diet, at least to a point where I could build my confidence and it no longer became a daily burden on my self esteem. I'm sure as most of you guys know through your own situations, this stuff can be pretty heavy emotional baggage to carry. It crushed me growing up, which is why I was so adamant on making a change and now helping other guys. My advice is don't be discouraged to give fitness and diet a try. Even if surgery is your inevitable end goal, reducing your body fat and toning muscle, and eating the right foods will only make your post-op results that much better. My clients and I are living proof of that, so don't give up.

Good luck guys, if you have any questions send me a message!

J.D Bryce


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