Author Topic: Missionary position  (Read 7087 times)


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Anyone brave enough to  try it knowing that your breasts are hanging down. Personally I don't feel comfortable unless I'm behind a woman or we're spooning so my chest is out of sight

Offline prc7966

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Missionary is our typical position for my wife and I.  My hanging breasts have never been a problem for her, in fact she will hold them from bouncing for me and play with them quite often. 


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Actually its my wife's favorite. I can either wear a bra or not.. She'll  get to the girls either way. She knows the pleasure that the sensations give me. I'm a full 2-3 cup sizes larger than her. 

Offline Johndoe1

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Never has been a problem for me. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline Goodnplenty

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We do missionary among other positions and it has never been a problem.   I do like my nipples hanging down grazing against my wife's chest.  I don't think as many women have a problem with a man having breasts as most people would  think. 


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Sex, what is it? It been so long I forgot what it is, lol! Good thing I did my share of it helping populate the world before I hit my terrible thirties and all hell broke loose on me!

5 kids, 4 still living and 6 grandchildren, I did my share!

Enjoy it while you can!

Offline Getting boobs

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I think that once your comfortable with your own body, you will find out that most women don’t have problem with it.  I know that once I was, mine had no problem with them. I have heard it’s like the best of both worlds 

Offline littleguy

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Missionary is great. If my wife is ready for me to finish the two triggers are hanging there for her!


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Agreed. I know that my wife enjoys bags as well. She can't wait to take my bra off so.she can get to them.

Offline SideSet

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Not me on top for missionary and not because of my boobs. I am too small and soft down there to top. 


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I top but last time the wife and I had sex it was a month ago before then it was 7 months ago we are in a virtually sexless marriage. And before she would kind of grab my chest and arouse me that way but last time with my growth spurts I’ve had she pinched a lil but just turned her head and closed her eyes as I did my job. I couldn’t help but think she was just turned off by the growth and wanted to think of something or someone else. Doesn’t help either than on my best day it’s only a 30 second ride before I finish. Idk if she just doesn’t wanna have sec or if it’s just not worth the trouble or if it’s cause we got a kid now but either way missionary is still my fav position it’s arousing for me to look down and see my boobs bouncing 

Offline Alle.n

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I think we all overthink this topic and end up communicating a lack of confidence which in turn impacts sex life more than how big our breasts are.

In general, I believe most women want confident partners. Easier said than done, especially in our world full of constant advertisements and messaging for testosterone boosters and chiseled men and busty women. 

I actually think many couples miss out on a whole world of pleasure and intimacy when they lock themselves into a rigid idea of masculine expectations and approved forms of pleasure.

If it feels good to have your breasts/nipples touched or played with why would you want to avoid that. Be honest with your partner and you might be surprised.

My partner actually likes to play with them. If you have sensitive nipples let them out to feel good. If you have an attentive partner and you are honest about your feelings, trust me you may likely find you have new buttons to push. And the feeling of your own nipples rubbing her nipples can be amazing.

But even if you don't have sensitive nipples you can still enjoy sex with your breasts hanging. Having breasts does not have to make you any less of a man, unless you want it to. Instead, like my partner says I'm a man with benefits. Instead of getting stuck on our identity as how masculine or feminine we are, our identity can instead be based on our love for our partner, on our good qualities, on our passions, on our faith...

Yes it may be hard to walk around in a world with breasts but when we are in our private time with our partner this should be a place of safety, acceptance, and intimacy. And if it is not then there may be some work needed on the relationship about communication and expectations.

As far as positions go, have you ever seen the kama sutra? Trust me there are hundreds of positions and ways of pleasing each other to have to worry about whether your partner sees your breasts.

For me, it's also practical, if it is vigorous lovemaking my breasts can bounce too much but having them held and played with makes a world if difference.

Besides, performing reciprocal love acts can be very pleasing, enlightening, intimate, and fun. Take turns pleasing each other. Consider asking your partner to show you what they want you to do to their body. This can open all kids of doors to pleasure and letting your guard down. 

Keep in mind that your partner might not feel comfortable bringing up their own insecurities about their body with you. This is a two way street. They may be just as afraid to bring up what they like or dislike to you.

Good sex counseling, couples counseling, marriage counseling, or especially pre-marriage counseling will encourage you to communicate your fears, expectations, and desires about sex and other forms of intimacy. 

I found that for me joking or being playful with my partner has disarmed some of the tension about this topic. Be curious and lighthearted. Ask what's the 3 best things they like doing as part of sex. Ask them what are things that they are less comfortable with. And be willing to be vulnerable and share yourself. Be genuinely curious in wanting to go deeper and find out what makes her tick. 

Fear is always a bad motivator. It stifles our passions and robs us of joy and pleasure. I find focusing on what I want or like is a better path than avoiding a topic or a person. It can be very freeing to talk openly about this with your partner.

Yes there is a chance that your partner will not respond well or not be supportive. Don't get mad but just take it as information and move on. Bottling up insecurities will not end well. It comes out in your health and other parts of relationship. Have courage to lead and communicate about this.

Offline gyneco_jason

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If it feels good to have your breasts/nipples touched or played with why would you want to avoid that. Be honest with your partner and you might be surprised.

My partner actually likes to play with them. If you have sensitive nipples let them out to feel good.
It can feel good, but for someone who was teased about having boobs as a teenager, it can be distressing. Other guys in high school used to squeeze my boobs as a joke, and for the longest time after that I would never let a woman touch them. I am just now getting comfortable with it.


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My wife is pretty conservative and my biggest fear was sex as the last time we had any was about 8 months ago and my chest has gone from a little poking to a full b cup since and she hasn’t really noticed as I rarely sit around shirtless. We were messing around the other night after I initiated it and the shirt came off and lights were off and i got on top and and could feel them jiggle a bit which I haven’t noticed 8 months ago and she grabbed one as she knows I like it and then grabbed both and I could feel her hands full as she pulled and moved them around I looked down and could feel her massaging them. 
I was really taken back as she always said she hated how her ex had boobs. However her ex was large and on roids and an jerk so perhaps my character and body being in better shape may not make it so gross. But it was very nice to know she seemed to take to them and not touch and go wtf happened to your chest get off me. 
Since then I don’t wear tank tops under my shirt or wear a shirt to bed and just let the cleavage show and shelf display in my shirts it is crazy how this one act has given me so much more confidence and comfort with my growing breasts 


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For most posters perceived problems there are two ways of dealing with it. The same is true for Missionary or any other position.
You can either embrace breasts of whatever size ( the whole size spectrum exists among men as among women, so there is nothing unusual about any of us!.)

The two ways?
1.Embrace your assets and enjoy them and positively encourage partners to enjoy them. If they enjoy them you definitely will
2Let your assets screw you mentally, possibly ruining a relationship completely, sexual and otherwise.

Basically it is our own choice. If someone else embraces "them" - well that's a real bonus.
You probably enjoy satisfying your partner's desires. Just TELL her the "quid pro quo" . Communication is the cement of any worthwhile relationship.
ENJOY - whatever the position
« Last Edit: May 11, 2020, 07:02:44 AM by DW20 »


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