Author Topic: Pandemic Weight Gain  (Read 3353 times)

Offline SideSet

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In some other posts, I have referred to putting on weight during the pandemic and my breasts getting even bigger as a result.  As some of you pointed out, I am now spilling out of some of my bras.

Here is a bare breasted picture that gives you an idea of my weight gain and further increased breast size.  It is not a flattering pic :( But I think it is illustrative, although I admit I am leaning forward, which accentuates things.


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Not a flattering pic? Those are honestly beautiful breasts. Very nice, round and full

Offline curiousk

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I think that you have nice breasts and would be proud to have breasts like that.   

Offline brock123

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What exactly was your expectation here? You have (frankly marvelous) female breasts that you should be proud of if you like them, but that also means you should expect to deal with weight gain as a female would in regard to your chest.  Women's breasts will tend to enlarge as they gain weight/age, my poor wife is now up to a 34DDDD (aka G), are men that happen to have breasts expected to be any different?

Offline concernedjacob

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Looks like mix of fat and gyno to me, but it is what it is
just an older gyno sufferer

Offline SideSet

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I agree.  Fat and gynecomastia.  And I feel and look best in a bra. 

Offline Busty

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Wow. Full heavy womanly breasts with female nipples. 


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Female breasts for sure with very pointy nipples. No reason you shouldn't be supported with a bra pretty much all the time

Offline SideSet

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I do wear a bra, pretty much as a woman does.  When I get dressed, it is second nature for me to put on my bra.  

Although I believe my breasts and nipples are female, including glandular tissue, that picture overstates how pointy, because my breasts are hanging down in the picture.  When I am upright or lying on my back, my areolae look flatter.  And wider ;)

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I too have gained weight during the pandemic and it has doubtless contributed to growth in my breasts.  I've been wearing a brassiere most days now and I do appreciate how the underwire brassiere cups shape my breasts.  Looking in the mirror at the turtleneck I'm wearing, I'm quite impressed and frankly a bit fixated on them.  Acceptance is important and spending time on this website helps with that, but I really don't want to be carrying this extra weight.  I know dieting is not the answer, but better food choices and more regular exercise will surely help.  The hormonal changes that contribute to my growing breasts will play out and if that leads to my naturally carrying more weight, I'll just have to make the best of it.  In the meantime, I'm doing some reading about gender expression.  Wearing a brassiere and appreciating one's breasts is a few steps away from the conventional sense of gender most of us grew up with.  Am I less a man because I wear a brassiere or am I simply acknowledging that my journey has taken me to a different place on a gender spectrum?  These things are being openly considered in the larger community but most of us are older men not exposed to such things... and therefore less comfortable considering them.  So we do the best we can.  We talk about our need for support and for feeling comfortable as we appreciate one another's brassiere purchases and comment on how they look and fit.  Okay.


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