Author Topic: Surgery w/Jeff Hall, Austin, TX  (Read 3094 times)

Offline zinc

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Has anyone ever had surgery with this doctor?  He's local and has performed the surgery many times according to his receptionist.  Any feedback helps.

Offline zinc

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  • Posts: 9
Thats crazy, I was so sure I was going with Hamas after reading old posts.  I'm having surgery in February 2006 by the way.  I haven't been to this site in over a year and recently find all this negative feedback from his past clients.  I'm so glad we have a dedicated site like this.  What top ten questions do you guys suggest to ask?  How often should a PS perform this procedure in order to feel comfortable with him. Any replys would help.  I really wish I could find someone locally here in Austin.  I just don't wanna deal with the traveling for follow up visits.  I've had gyno for about 3 yrs now, I'm 25yrs old, 5'4 and weigh about 175.  I bought a supplement made by Pinnacle containing Andros from my local GNC.  I read about prohormones raising testosterone to help bulid muscle but never knew to take a anti-estrogen after the cycle. I imagine this happens to alot of nieve weightlifters.  I was in great shape before the problem occured (150lbs-muscular build), but have gained about 25 lbs over the years due to this condition (depression).  I worked my but off one year thinking this is all fat and got down to 148lbs.  It helped alot, I guess I lost all the fat around the gland.  I flex my chest and feel the muscle underneath and I'm wondering if I'll get better results since it'll make it easier for the PS to tell whats gland/fat from muscle.  I'll post pics soon at my weight now along with gyno pics.  I'm hoping to find a PS soon to schedule the surgery in Feb (loan).  This leaves me 3 months to lose weight which is no problem for me.   I finally told myself to get this crap over with after an incident with my son this past summer.   I took my 3yr old son to a swimming pool for the first time and he was so excited and having the time of his life and was begging me to swim with him.  It hurt me so bad not to be able to share that day with him because of my condition.  I've kind of been ignoring it up to this point until a co-worker or family makes a crack about it. My beer gut kind of makes things look even.  Wish me luck guys and any info helps. Thanks.


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