Author Topic: PS. Last rites  (Read 1387 times)

Normal boobs 1

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For clarity, after my last  I managed to recover my account because I hate bad blood - all caused by my one line (in retrospect hasty) comment. 
Mea Culpa. 
I have reached out  by PM  to two individuals. 
There has been no response from the really important one, and therefore there is nothing further I can do. I really am not the person I I have been painted to be, certainly not a bully

I have decided that I really have better things to do and will be spending more time  with the privileged freedom that I have in being allowed to roam at will in my local prison as a voluntary chaplain to just give time, talk  and share. 
We have one inmate who is perfectly chromasomaly intersex - balanced right on the knife edge. He very bravely dresses as quite glam female - makeup floral dresses etc etc and chooses to be allocated to an all male prison. I have received more from her/him thanyou can imagine
To wear a bra in public, whether it shows or not, is really no big deal - take courage my friends. 

I have never pretended to be perfect. 

Mea Culpa - no one of you should feel bad about it.
In a few short seconds this account will be be the last rites. 
Thank you if you have read this far. I wish you all well 

PPS I have set up an alias email: if anyone wants to make contact. This address will be deleted if abused. 


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For clarity, after my last  I managed to recover my account because I hate bad blood - all caused by my one line (in retrospect hasty) comment.
Mea Culpa.
I have reached out  by PM  to two individuals.
There has been no response from the really important one, and therefore there is nothing further I can do. I really am not the person I I have been painted to be, certainly not a bully

I have decided that I really have better things to do and will be spending more time  with the privileged freedom that I have in being allowed to roam at will in my local prison as a voluntary chaplain to just give time, talk  and share.
We have one inmate who is perfectly chromasomaly intersex - balanced right on the knife edge. He very bravely dresses as quite glam female - makeup floral dresses etc etc and chooses to be allocated to an all male prison. I have received more from her/him thanyou can imagine
To wear a bra in public, whether it shows or not, is really no big deal - take courage my friends.

I have never pretended to be perfect.

Mea Culpa - no one of you should feel bad about it.
In a few short seconds this account will be be the last rites.
Thank you if you have read this far. I wish you all well

PPS I have set up an alias email: if anyone wants to make contact. This address will be deleted if abused.
it is not right that any one of us choose to leave the forum on anyone's account. Something was said, and apologized for. 
It was very hurtful to me at first, but I moved on quite rapidly. There really was no harm done. 
We are all here for a reason, and that reason is that we are men with boobs. There will always be misunderstandings between individuals and when those misunderstandings resolve themselves on their own we can return back to the core reason we share this forum, we are still men with boobs. We ALL need to be here!
I have waited patiently for this to blow over, and frankly am disappointed that it hasn't already. I am the newbie here on the site, so I really don't have much say here at all. I would however plea to everyone that stood up to support me, to now give normalboobs1 and/or normalboobs account a chance to continue normally. 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Though I wouldn't consider myself a practicing Christian, I'm fond of the saying "Let him who is without sin among you cast the first stone."  Yes, we want to insure safety for those who come to this website but so far as I know, none of us has been given responsibility to be judge and executioner.  And so we apologize when we've made a mistake and when the apology is accepted, we move on.  We are, after all, grownups here.  You'll make your decision NB1 about where and how to spend your time, but I hope you'll continue contributing to conversations here.  A chaplain who approaches his work with humility will always be welcome. :) 

Offline Evolver

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I've kept out of this until now but I do have a bit to say about it, for what it's worth. I could have chimed in at the time and taken sides but I'm not sure whether it would have made a difference. Purely by coincidence I wrote in a similar manner to NB1 a few days earlier on another forum I contribute to (Cancer Survivors Network). There, long story short, an elderly gentleman was considering an unneccessary prostatectomy just so that he could take testosterone replacement therapy. It seemed like he was just wanting to drink out of the fountain of youth again, which is what I replied with in a brusque manner, suggesting that he wanted to be 22 again instead of 72, but I also apologized in advance if I had assumed wrong.

He replied back by clarifying why his existing very low testosterone level was an issue for him besides the obvious ones, thanked me for my input and wished me well. So I did assume wrong in the first place but he understood completely why I had jumped to that conclusion. He did not take it as bullying. I then thanked him for clearing things up, and we're good.

My point is, communication runs in both directions. It's all well and good to know how to convey your feelings to someone else, but what is often lacking is knowing how to receive their feelings in return. 

I stopped reading the argument in the Estrogen Effects etc. thread when I saw the about face on whether seniority on the forum was relevant or not. First it was, then it wasn't, oh FFS.

Charli, thank you for what you wrote above. Considering your signature, it was overdue.

Time heals everything. I am glad that any hard feelings between the warring parties here seem to have dissipated but I don't like the collateral damage that has occurred. I would also like to see the return of NB1 to the forum.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2023, 01:58:43 AM by Evolver »


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I reached out in an email to NB1. We had a couple of good exchanges and all hard feelings have been completely resolved. 
As far as I'm concerned, I was in the wrong, NB1 seems to think he was in the wrong. The truth is most likely somewhere in the middle. I made it clear to him that I enjoyed and have learned much from his posts, from all of your posts. 
As a newbie I have come into the forum quite strongly out of pure enthusiasm, and most likely hormones completely out of whack. 
I can't tell you if NB1 will come back or not, but I certainly hope they will. We both introduced ourselves in emails and had friendly conversation. 
Someone in the thread mentioned it sounded like we were effected by PMS. As I sit here at 1am my time online after waking up again from "night sweats" (now a common occurrence). I would have to agree. Night sweats and hot flashes have become my new normal, and emotions on edge is part of the program. 
It is, as far as I consider, the entire cause of the conflict between NB1 and myself. 
For that specific reason I own any apology to everyone involved in this thread. 
I appreciate those that stood up for me, but am deeply saddened in the outcome. My emotional hormonal stew fueled this conflict to begin with.  No one should have left the forum over a disagreement. We should have all just dropped the issue immediately and left time to heal things. I was the first to threaten to leave prematurely, and therefore first at fault in overreacting. I can't take back what was said, but I wish I could. 


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Most recent email from NB1:

Hi ****
I will give a longer reply in due course and do your email justice. (busy time for Christians as well)
I have noticed a reply from Charli for which I am very grateful.
I have closed my account and therefore have no method of responding to him.
Without malice, I can say I will not be back on the site.
However, if you see fit, perhaps you might copy some of this email into a post on the now infamous thread and assure him that if he uses the email I included in my last post he will get a friendly reply.
You know I would rather have a friend than an enemy!

Offline Evolver

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That's good info, Brdy64. Thanks for posting it.

For the record when I first noticed your presence I did think WTF is going on here, but I never doubted that the stuff you wrote about was genuine. You've got nothing to apologize for, then or now. All is good.

The main reason I will miss NB1 is because he was very open with his feelings and emotions about his developing situation. He was willing to share some quite personal stuff publicly and that had an impact on me.


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"For the record when I first noticed your presence I did think WTF is going on here, but I never doubted that the stuff you wrote about was genuine. You've got nothing to apologize for, then or now. All is good"
I have about 45 years worth of crap bottled up inside me that has been begging to get out. 
I kind of dumped years worth of it out into the forum in just a short time. I am sure it was a "WTF" moment for everyone. 
Coming from a very traditional and religious family and living in Conservative Texas left few outlets to "vent" over the years. 
If y'all catch me starting to "ramble" again, please just remind me that others share the site as well. 😉


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Rambling comes second nature when you find a community that you’ve been looking for. The initial excitement and vigor and feeling of I found my tribe. 


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