Author Topic: First Time Wearing a Sports Bra  (Read 1114 times)

Offline pastthepointofreturn

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I have only worn a bra a few times.  I bought a couple online to see what size a was.  42B.  I have a topic on that. But after wearing them a few times I threw them away.  They were comfortable and I noticed the support, but I wasn't ready. Recently when I am active my nipples rub on my shirt and itch like crazy.  I bought this sports bra months ago to help, but never tried it.  I think today might be the day.  I think I will exercise with it on and maybe run my errands.  See how it feels.

I do feel my shirts fit me much better wearing it and my nipples don't show as bad.   

Online Johndoe1

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You may find, like many of us, that support and cover over our chests makes a big difference. As a friend told me when I first started wearing a bra, a bra doesn't change you. It just makes you more comfortable. And she was right. I am still the same person I always have been. I am just more comfortable now and think less about my chest due to that comfort. I hope you find the same thing. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline HeldUp

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If you notice bounce and sway while working out, it may be a good thing for you. I wear one working out, its just nice not to have the friction or as much bounce and I don't have that much. It's just nice not to feel that weight and movement.

Offline Busty

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I am sure you feel more comfortable with the support and containment of a bra.  And look better, too.

Offline taxmapper

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I exclusively wear padded sports bras. 

I have had way too many "nipple scrapes" to not too. 
I shoot archery, hike, auto work, chase and heard cats, and all sorts of activities, and the painful nipple scrape is the worst.   Plus when cold weather comes in, the heightened sensitivity kicks in and actually quite painful. So I stay covered. 

You may find that SB are your fav. or poss. not. 

But they do work. 

Online WPW717

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Still working on the finding of a bra without much luck but I do like the support of my sports bra
Never go out without it
Regards, Bob


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