Author Topic: 6 Days Post Op - QUESTIONS  (Read 2853 times)

Offline PostOpHappy

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Well, I'm six days post op.  I had minor gyne to begin with (10% body fat, only minor glandular tissue behind my nipple).  After my first doctor consulation, the doctor told me I had no gyne.  When I went for a second opinion, the doctor told me I DID have gyne, and that the first doctor was very wrong.  I had the surgery, and wore drains for 4 days (as well as a vest).  On the fifth day (yesterday) the drains were removed, and I was told I could just wear an Under Armor shirt (the ones for working out).  Last night, I swelled up a bit and it was kind of numb, but most of it is down and sensation is returning.

Here are my questions.

I was told I could take my vest off only 5 days post op, as noted above.  Is this safe or normal?  This Under Armor is giving good compression, but not as much as the vest did.
It's much more comfortable, too.

I had my stitches / bandages all removed on the 5th day as well (yesterday).  I wear bandages where the drains were, though, and I was told to continue putting bandages there.

Here's my final question --

I'm VERY pleased with the results, but..
The doctor told me he wouldn't be able to remove all the glandular tissue because then my nipples would dip in.  My nipples are now level with my chest, but because my chest is very muscular, it has some definition and protrudes (Only my chest, not my nipples).  If I lost muscle mass, and my chest became scrawny and flat, would my nipples protrude as they did pre op because the muscle has went down?

I can't realy tell you for sure, but I feel a little bit of tissue behind both of my nipples still.  Like I said, cosmetically, it looks perfect... but I'm concernd. If I lose muscle mass, will my nipples protrude again?
Is it normal to feel small masses behind your nipples post op?

Is it possible that the small tissue behind my nipples will go away in time, and are only there as a result of the surgery?

Do normal people have very small tissue behind their nipples?  As I said, no pictures can show it, I can only feel it when I press my nipples against my chest and move around.  It's very very small, but it's there and I'm worried sick.

I don't want to blow another 5k, I just want to live normally.

Offline PostOpHappy

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When I flex my chest now, by the way, the top part of both of my nipples protrude a little more than the bottom part.  It probably isn't safe for me to flex now, though, so I'm not doing that again.

Any idea why?  Is this normal?

Offline curious

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When I flex my chest now, by the way, the top part of both of my nipples protrude a little more than the bottom part.  It probably isn't safe for me to flex now, though, so I'm not doing that again.

Any idea why?  Is this normal?

There will be a good amount of edema from the surgery that might seem like soft tissue. Until this goes away you won't have a truly accurate idea of what your chest looks like. Continue compression and wait 3-6 weeks before fretting too much about it. I know that's easier said than done, but trust me on this one. it. Also scar tissue remodeling can take years and might vary depending on your age and ethnicity (blacks tend to form keloids, younger tend to remodel cartilage better). You can address these issues as they come up later, as from what  you're telling us I think it is unlikely what you're talking about is scar tissue.

Offline PostOpHappy

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Ah, my heart is at rest (at least temporarily)

But I must go, I have an exam shortly.  I'll be checking on this thread regularly, updating you all with my experience.

If someone can answer my first few questions that'd rock.

Offline PostOpHappy

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" The doctor told me he wouldn't be able to remove all the glandular tissue because then my nipples would dip in.  My nipples are now level with my chest, but because my chest is very muscular, it has some definition and protrudes (Only my chest, not my nipples).  If I lost muscle mass, and my chest became scrawny and flat, would my nipples protrude as they did pre op because the muscle has went down? "

Can anyone answer this one in specific?  This is my largest concern now.

Offline faust

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My doctor left in some gland as well to prevent nipple inversion.  My chest isn't especially muscular and even though I can feel the remaining gland underneath the nipple, it does not cause it to protrude at all.  I think that losing muscle wouldn't have much of an effect on this, as all the gland, fat etc. is above the muscle and hence bulking up just has the effect of pushing everything outwards.  That said, I am not a doctor, everybody's body is different, and the only way you'll know for sure is if you actually lose the muscle.

Offline PostOpHappy

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Are you happy with your results?  The fact there is still some gland left makes me worried.

Offline faust

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I'm about 70% happy with my result right now.  However, the remaining 30% has nothing to do with the gland he left in.  I had truly unilateral gyne, meaning only one side of my chest was affected (the Dr. said he only sees this about once a year, and he does around 100 gyne ops annually), and most of the unhappiness I have with the result is due to this.  By which I mean that the contour/nipple colour of the operated side looks good, but is different from the normal side.  If both sides looked like the side that he operated on, I would be more like 90% satisfied.  I'm at 7 months post-op and visible changes are still occurring, so I still have hope that the skin will tighten on the op side and the nipple will lighten up, and that the small depression where most of the gland was will fill in.  I can wear tight t-shirts and look 100% normal, if that's the sort of thing that you're getting at.

At a week post op you really can't start to make any judgments about your results -- like I said, I'm at 7 months and things are still changing.  You probably still have all kinds of scar tissue, swelling etc. going on.  You should have a decent idea at 3 months, but even then don't give up hope if it doesn't look how you want it to.  I for one wouldn't consider things like revision until a year down the line.  


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