Author Topic: Important question guys!  (Read 2663 times)

Offline nothingworse

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Well, I got my surgery 6 weeks ago and I am lifting again. I have a bottle of creatine monohydrate I bought before I had the surgery and was wondering if it would be safe to take the creatine. I don't want my gyne back I just want to be sure. Someone please help me be sure. I don't see many negative factors on it but, I am just being sure. Thanks a lot!

Offline nothingworse

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TheJuice I am probably going to go with Whey. I was real skeptical about the creatine. I don't want to take a chance. My results are great. Those retched glands are gone and my chest area feels great. The surgeon that did this was also great. I am pretty much healed with great results. I am living my life happier now and am glad that this is all finally over. Good luck to you on your continuing healing process and keep us updated. I really haven't had much time to update. Thanks for the info.

Offline unisys

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I know creatine causes a lot of water retention (which is the reason for the initial weight gain).  Since I'm not a doctor I can't tell you if that is good or bad for healing, but just to be safe you should probably not take it without consulting your PS first.

Offline boomheadshot

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Until you ask your doctor, stick to just plain old whey protein and healthy food.


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