Author Topic: Lower estradiol 100% safe and cheap  (Read 16466 times)

Offline Hypo-is-here

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A lot of people how enquired or posted about all manner of gynecomastia reducing medications on this website over the last few years.

Most of these medications are unproven and unlicensed as well as being potentially harmful.  Some of them are plain useless and are just internet companies/charlatans suckering in people, relying on their hopes and fears in order to get them to hand over money.

Now what I am going to tell you about is something that often goes overlooked.  It can’t prevent gynecomastia and it wont resolve it.

But it can help to reduce estradiol and increase testosterone in a 100% natural, cheap and safe way.  And it may help a little to reduce or prevent greater growth of gynecomastia.

What is more irrespective of your estradiol level it will not cause you any harm at all and may even make you feel a little healthier.

Good old Zinc!

Quote Verbatim from Dr Eugene Shippen from page 187 of The Testosterone Syndrome (world leading hormone expert)

It has long been known via classic zinc deficiency studies that demonstrated the dramatic interference with normal hypothalamic/pituitary function caused by it lack.  Severe deficiency literally halted the changes of puberty in teenage boys, effects which rapidly reversed when zinc was restored to normal levels.  There would be little need to write about such bizarre situations if zinc deficiency was rare.  But National Health and Nutritional Surveys NHANES I, II and III performed over the last thirty years have consistently shown deficient intake in large segments of society.

What is more impressive is the fact that the actual “Androgen Receptor” has two zinc domains.  There are actually two zinc "fingers" joined to the hormone binding domain of the androgen receptor protein.

So zinc is coded into the actual androgen receptors protein!!!

To see this fact simply view page 59 figure 7 of Androgen Deficiency in the Adult Male (world leading hormone expert Malcolm Carruthers).

I shall say it again as it is quite dramatic;

Zinc is coded into the actual androgen receptor protein!!!

Another quote Verbatim from Dr Eugene Shippen page 187 of The Testosterone Syndrome.
Zinc’s other major role is its inhibitory effects on aromatase enzyme activity.

Dr Shippen recommends supplemental zinc 50mg twice a daily for those will low testosterone or lowish testosterone and elevated estradiol until there is some symptomatic improvement and then 50mg a daily after that.

Now for men that do not have low testosterone 50mg of zinc a day would seem reasonable, certainly it can do no harm whatsoever.  

I would recommend one that contains a trace of copper as too much zinc alone can imbalance your bodies levels of copper.  If you cannot obtain this then you should take buy a copper supplement separately a take 2.4mg of copper per 50mg of zinc.

Another quote Verbtim from Dr Eugene Shippen, from page 191 of The Testosterone Syndrome.
Many men will restore a proper balance of testosterone to estrogen purely through the use of zinc.

The above of course will not mean that zinc is a substitute to TRT for men who have frank hypogonadism.  Hypogonadism requires diagnosis and treatment from an expert who specializes in such matters (reproductive endocrinologist).

I can tell you that many men notice a small but noticeable increase in testicular size via the use of zinc, also that zinc is thought to be good for the prostate.

All in all zinc is something that all of us who have developed gyencomastia could probably benefit from and certainly better than nothing and safe and cheap as already stated.

Offline Worrier

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Yep I agree zinc is safe and certainly worth trying. One thing though , I tired zinc a while back for some of the reasons you stated and it did cause one side effect....

SPOTS on my back  ;D

Horses for courses though , it certinly won't do you any harm and although it didn't improve my gyno ,( I was on a med at the time which had caused the gyno , so it probably would not have done anything  for me anyways)  .

Offline Shattered_Nyte

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I have rad alot about Zinc.So I went to to drug store and I saw there was a Zinc (Glutimate) and a Zinc (Citrate) they are both 50mg's So I grabed the Citrate.I hope its the right one?

Offline soccerplaya

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Yeah what kind of zinc do we buy? do they just make plain old "zinc" bottles just like they do for like vitamin C, A, D and stuff?

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Any form of zinc should surffice.

Chelated, glutamate, citrate in tablet or in gel form etc.

50mgs with copper trace or with separate copper supplementation as I have stated.

Given how innocent, safe and cheap Zinc is you can trial it for yourself any see if you gain any benefits.

Certainly you have nothing to lose.

Offline nycteen

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I found zinc but I dont have any copper. I have been taking zinc for 2 days is it really important I stop until I get copper? Or is it not that immediate. Where can I find copper I couldnt find any in duane reade. I will look in gnc today.

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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This sounds like great news .. but I have a question.

The recommended daily amount (RDA) for an adult male in the UK is 15mg.  Is it really safe to take up to a 100 mg supplement  (over 6 times the RDA)? Plus of course what we take in from our normal diet.

I ask this because I have been taking a 15mg a day supplement, and have read on several websites that sell these supplements, that overdosing on zinc can cause:

Quote "Symptoms of overdose
Chest pain; dizziness; fainting; shortness of breath; vomiting; yellow eyes or skin
Other side effects not listed above may also occur in some individuals. If you notice any other effects, check with your health care professional."

This quote is from

It would be great if zinc can help us but I’m just wondering about how much we can safely take.
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline Hypo-is-here

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I found zinc but I dont have any copper. I have been taking zinc for 2 days is it really important I stop until I get copper? Or is it not that immediate. Where can I find copper I couldnt find any in duane reade. I will look in gnc today.

All I can suggest is that you trial zinc as stated by Dr Shippen and continue to look for the copper supplement as stated.

Zinc alone in such doses cause a copper imbalance which is why I have detailed the requirement.

If you look in Holland and Barrett or some such online store I am sure you will find it.

This sounds like great news .. but I have a question.

The recommended daily amount (RDA) for an adult male in the UK is 15mg.  Is it really safe to take up to a 100 mg supplement  (over 6 times the RDA)? Plus of course what we take in from our normal diet.

The RDA limit differs from country to country and is known as being ultra conservative generally in any event.

With regard to this information;

I have stated the advice detailed by Dr Eugene Shippen who is one of the top hormone experts in the world.  So the information is not mine, I am just the messenger.  I am not the one vouching for its safety merely stating that an eminent source is vouching such.

Also he is not saying to take 100mgs of zinc on an ongoing basis.  He is saying to initially take 100mgs and then step it down to 50mgs a day.  That is advice for those with questionable androgen to estrogen ratios.

50mgs of zinc a day is HIGHLY unlikely to cause ill health as long as it is used with a copper supplement to prevent copper imbalance.

In terms of the zinc we get via our diet, enormous surveys have shown that the western diet is very often lacking in zinc so I do not think we need to concern ourselves with what we get via our diets.

This sounds like great news .. but I have a question.
I ask this because I have been taking a 15mg a day supplement, and have read on several websites that sell these supplements, that overdosing on zinc can cause:

Quote "Symptoms of overdose
Chest pain; dizziness; fainting; shortness of breath; vomiting; yellow eyes or skin
Other side effects not listed above may also occur in some individuals. If you notice any other effects, check with your health care professional."

This quote is from

It would be great if zinc can help us but I’m just wondering about how much we can safely take.

I think you are sensible to raise what you have found.

What I would say is that side effects are found with almost all substances, even water is toxic if taken in sufficient quantity and that taking 50ms of zinc is HIGHLY unlikely to cause the adverse effects listed.  All I would add is too reiterate the need for copper supplementation to prevent a copper imbalance.

The only other infromation to state would be that which is standard with all medications and nutritional supplements and that is if you notice any of such labelled side effects that you halt its use.

I have seen quite a few forward thinking endocrinologists in the UK not only concur with the words of Dr Eugene Shippen, but also put their patients on the doses stated.

I regularly take this dose stated and I have had no ill effects whatsoever and have seen an improvement in my overall well-being and have noticed as quite a few people do, that I have a slight increase in testicular size (I could explain how this works if you wish?).

What you could do if you are overly concerned (which is perfectly reasonable) is start on a trial of 50mgs of zinc and stated copper supplementation for a month say and see how you feel.  

If you notice any ill effects stop the dose in the knowledge that there will be no permanent ill health.  If it works for you continue either indefinitely or until such time that again there is any ill effect.  If there is again simply halt its use.

I would not be stating what I am if it wasn’t the advice of one eminent expert and advice followed by top endocrinologists in the UK.

Given we are talking about nutrition and not medication it is up to the individual to decide whether or not this is something they wish to trial.

Again I would NOT be stating what I am if this was a controlled medication.

If you do not wish to try zinc in the manner stated then I understand.

If anyone does however wish to trial zinc in the manner stated, if they could post their subjective findings that would be most helpful.  Particularly as I am sure that the vast majority of people will have only positive or nuetral things to say.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2006, 07:52:07 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline brm

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OK Hypo. But, if zinc increases the ratio of test to est, then it may be regarded as some light testosterone enhancer. Then it should be considered as a dangerous factor in terms of prostate cancer since it is liable to increase the level of DHT as well . How comes that you say it is the contrary?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2006, 09:46:56 AM by brm »

Offline nycteen

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I only found copper supplements in 2mg tablets. Is there a huge difference between 2mg and 2.4 mg?

Offline soccerplaya

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Hey would a mens all-in-one vitamin work for this? it says it has the daily value of copper, and the daily value of zinc, I also have a bottle of the 50 mg zinc.... should i take that too?

Offline Hypo-is-here

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OK Hypo. But, if zinc increases the ratio of test to est, then it may be regarded as some light testosterone enhancer. Then it should be considered as a dangerous factor in terms of prostate cancer since it is liable to increase the level of DHT as well . How comes that you say it is the contrary?

Increasing testosterone or dht CATEGORICALLY DOES NOT cause prostate cancer FULL STOP according to ALL the modern research and thinking.

Which is why testosterone replacement therapy in hypogonadal men does not increase the risk of developing prostate cancer.

What Testosterone and DHT can do is accelerate already existing prostate cancer.

So increasing testosterone if you already have prostate cancer is an issue.

However Zinc works by improving the testosterone to estrogen ratio by reducing the actions of aromatase and lowering estrogen or more specifically estradiol.

It does have a very positive effect on the androgen receptors as well but does not overtly raise testosterone.

Last but not least zinc is actually required by the prostate and in fact is a substance that helps the prostate to function correctly.  Speculation as to why this is surrounds the actions it has on estradiol given that high estradiol has been implicated in the development of prostate cancer.

I only found copper supplements in 2mg tablets. Is there a huge difference between 2mg and 2.4 mg?

Cut a third tablet in half and you have 2.5mgs and there is your answer.

Hey would a mens all-in-one vitamin work for this? it says it has the daily value of copper, and the daily value of zinc, I also have a bottle of the 50 mg zinc.... should i take that too?


Offline Worrier

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Hypo  quick question ,given the fact that zinc seemed to cause acne in my case when I took it, does that mean my testosterone  lvl was already okay?

Or was it just a conincidence as when I stopped the zinc the acne went away.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2006, 12:58:51 AM by Worrier »

Offline bignipCT

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Hey would a mens all-in-one vitamin work for this? it says it has the daily value of copper, and the daily value of zinc, I also have a bottle of the 50 mg zinc.... should i take that too?

my first exact thought after i read this post, i went to my cabinet an checked my multi-vitamin. ive been takin a multi since ive started lifting. My case has gotten a lot better but im 99% sure its cuz of working  hard an losing weight. So taking 50mg of zinc  on top of the multi is a bad idea? Why bother even taking just zinc an copper that comes in the average multi vitamin an ur gettin other good vitamins for your body while you are at it. ???

Offline soccerplaya

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50mg zinc and and some copper from a mens multi vitamin... would that do the trick?


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