Author Topic: Whats your work out ?  (Read 6919 times)

Offline abaz

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Well, on Jan 1st, I weighed 272.4lbs, and as of yesterday I weigh 264.2lbs. I've been doing cardio like mad at the gym, and here's my routine.

In no order:

Lat Pulls
Incline Press
Leg Extensions
Seated Rows
Leg Curls
Should press
Sit ups.

I was doing lunges with 35lbs DB's and I still cant walk lol. My stomach feels a bit better too.

Offline Worrier

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Heres mine.

Barbell Clean and press  
Incline Bench press
Flat dumbell flys
Barbell Rows
Tricep Extensions

Situps on incline board, like rocky ;D

I do that twice a week on the third workout , I tend to do atlternative exercises for variety. I add in flat benching on that day,No leg work as I tend to  run steps in tower blocks and that has put inches in my legs. as well as regular road running.Don't want to   overtrain them.Also I am not lifting for bulk plenty of reps lowish weight although I have got stonger,

« Last Edit: January 22, 2006, 01:47:32 AM by Worrier »

Offline Bakajin

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i used to have 2 workouts, 1 for chest/arms/legs and 1 for back/shoulders which I would use for 2 days then have 1 rest day.  It was decent enough exercise and I lost 80 pounds over 2 years but it was really just a typical beginner type training style that wasn't particularly efficient for building strength/power.  

nowdays (many years later) I mix it up a lot and do most of my training at home.  I do 40 - 60 minutes of cycling at moderate to fast pace everyday (I ride to work). Also every week I'll do 1-3 heavy lifting sessions involving deadlifts, squats, benchpress, weighted chinups, weighted dips, and miltary presses.  I'll pick 2-3 different exercises and do sets of either 5x5 or 3x10 depending on how I feel.   On my non-heavy lifting (eg rest) days I like to do short to medium sessions of non-weighted bodyweight exercises.    Usually something easy like 3 sets of 15 chinups and 25 dips in the morning just to stretch my muscles out but to avoid stressing my body too much.

The rest of my training depends on whether I'm active in kickboxing/grappling.  When I am I'll do 2-3 two hour sessions of technique practice and sparring a week.  Sparring is very intense exercise and much tougher than anything else I've ever done.  if I'm not active with MMA training then I try to keep my overall endurance up by doing crossfit style training which is similar to regular circuit training but far more intense.  These workouts are easy to modify and have a lot of variety.  a few examples from crossfit and similar themed workouts that I use are;

4 minutes of squat tabatas (20 seconds of as many full squats as you can do followed by a 10 second rest for 4 minutes) then 4 minutes of as many sets of 5 chins&dips as you can do.  this is done twice with a long rest between attempts.
20chins/30pushups/40situps/50squats repeated 5 times and measured for time
5chins/10pushups/15situps attempted every minute for 30 minutes
10 dumbell squat thrusters/15 dumbell snatches/20 burpees/25 sprawls/30 mountain climbers/35 sit & tucks/40 jumping jacks done as fast as you can and repeated 2-3 times.

Offline colinosmar

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I use a 5 day split for resistance training looks like this:

Monday - Chest and abs
Tuesday - Back and traps
Wednesday - Legs and abs
Thursday - Shoulders and traps
Friday - Arms and abs

In addition to this I do an hour of cardio a minimum of 5-6 times a week, and have a solid nutritional plan to back up my time in the gym.  Ive been on this plan since oct.18th when i joined the gym, and have noticed great results (gone from 208 lbs no muscle, to 180 lbs with substantial muslce development)


Offline brownman

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Chest Builder

3 sets of my max at repping bench press
1 set of 45's on bench press

3 sets of bicep curls
1 set of 40's on bicep curls

3 sets on peck deck
1 set at 180 on peck deck

incline bench press 3 sets
decline bench press 3 sets

Leg extensions 3 sets

lateral pulldown 3 sets

squats with weight 3 sets

ab ball 3 sets of 50

ab machine/sit up 3 sets of 30

overhead pulldown 3 sets

run 25 mins on cross trainer

Day 1: Chest/Arms/Abs
Day 2: Arms/Legs
Day 3: Chest/Abs/Legs
Day 4: Repeat Day1

25 min minimal on cross trainer 5 days a week

Hoping to loose 20 lbs at least 15 by May 8th

EAt very health conscious
no alcohol except 1-2 beer a weekend night, and thats stopping soon
no junk food
no bread after 7pm

Offline GodWasAngry

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brownman, if you don't mind i wanna give you a piece of advice and that is that you should  cross trainer for more than 25 minutes, slower and longer = better results! if you have enough motivation for 5 times a week thats great but you should do the cross trainer for about 35-40 minutes minimum IMO

Offline markashleigh1979

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Monday :

Shoulders : Seated dumbell press ( 4 sets  ) , Seated military presses ( 2 sets ), Upright rows ( 3 sets), Lateral raises ( 3 sest) , Shrugs ( 3 sets)

Legs : Squats ( 4 sets ) , Leg extensions (3-4 sets) , leg curls ( 3-4 sets) .


Back: Deadlifts (4 sets) , Wide grip pull downs ( 4 sets), Close grip pull downs ( 3 sets), bent over rows ( 4 sets) , seates rows( 3 sets)

Biceps: Alternate dumbell curls ( 4 sets) , ez bar curls ( 3 sets)


Chest: Dumbell or bar Flat bench press ( 4 sets), Incline dumbell or bar bench press (4 sets), Flys ( 4 sets)

Triceps : Close grip bench press (4 sets), Skull crushers ( 2 sets) , Tricep extensions ( 3 sets)...

SATURDAY & SUNDAY: STELLA ( 15 SETS) , fosters( 10 sets), vodka( 10 sets) .....and

This work out is really working for me and i am growing like a weed........Don't do much cardio as doing all that at an intense level burns the fat right off .....:)

I don't take longer than 1hr 10 minutes when training....anything more is counter productive......I rest 1 minute between sets , 3 -4 between exercises and 3/4 minutes between body parts.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2006, 06:30:38 AM by markashleigh1979 »

Offline sadgyneguy

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everyday: 15 minutes crosstrainer

on workout:
5 minutes crosstrainer

barbell curl:
1 X 10  40lbs(warmup)
1 X  to failure (mostly @ 6 or 7 failure) 100lbs
1 X  to failure 90lbs
1 X  to failure 90lbs

then rest.

i just want to tone my biceps. i dont want bench press, it pushed the glands of my breast, making my gyne more obvious  :(

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Offline Worrier

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everyday: 15 minutes crosstrainer

on workout:
5 minutes crosstrainer

barbell curl:
1 X 10  40lbs(warmup)
1 X  to failure (mostly @ 6 or 7 failure) 100lbs
1 X  to failure 90lbs
1 X  to failure 90lbs

then rest.

i just want to tone my biceps. i dont want bench press, it pushed the glands of my breast, making my gyne more obvious  :(

Hi sadgyne ,I understand why you don't want to bench, have you tried building up your shoulders and back?. It might balance things out a little. I know yours is gland so cardio won't help but getting bigger in those areas might hide it a little.

Try adding in some 'behind the neck barbell presses' (shoulders) this will not touch the chest unlike the movement I do 'clean and press' which works the upper chest slightly.

Also add in some pullups , barbell rows and deadlifts. For your back. If you don't know how to do them ask a gym instructor(preferably) or there are quite a few books showing them.

It helped my confidence a bit when I started lifting.And certain;y helped me look better until my gyno reduced.Just a suggestion, take it or leave it ;)

Offline markashleigh1979

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Don't forget squats.....they help your whole body gro!....if you forget them you will look silly....big arms, big traps, delts and etc on small skinny chicken legs....:)

Offline sadgyneguy

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thanks for the suggestions, will try the back, shoulder and squats. i might as well put back tricep exercise. i just want to avoid exercises that hits the chest, it just makes my gyne worse.

Offline markashleigh1979

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Try my routine, it is straightforward and gives good gains.... ;D . Just drop the chest for cardio.....or do incline and no flat bench

Offline Bakajin

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thanks for the suggestions, will try the back, shoulder and squats. i might as well put back tricep exercise. i just want to avoid exercises that hits the chest, it just makes my gyne worse.

i doubt bulding your chest will make your gyno worse.  I think its just that judging from your other posts on the forum you worry far too much about your chest.  I know lots of guys think that if there chest gets bigger then it will look worse but that is rarely true.  A larger athletic chest with gyno looks far better than a relatively flat chest with the same gyno.  I've seen your pics and I honestly think if you put on some more muscle on your upperbody then your gyno wouldn't look too bad at all and you'd probably feel a lot more confident.

Offline Bakajin

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Try my routine, it is straightforward and gives good gains.... ;D . Just drop the chest for cardio.....or do incline and no flat bench

incline bench and flat bench (and decline) are basically the same movement and both develop the pecs in the same way.  The only difference is te increasingly the incline will put more effort on the shoulders and lesson the effort of the chest.  However the pec development is still the same.  a common mistake beginners make is to train incline, decline and flat bench all in one session (i did it myself for quite a while).   For strength and size development its better to pick just one type (you can mix it up between sessions) and do it properly then move onto other exercises that are not repeating the same movement.  

you often see a lot of similar mistakes with leg training.  People often over-use machines (which should be avoided entirely) and do a lot of isolation exercises and end up neglectling doing squats properly.  Squats (and deadlifts) are two of the best overall size/strength gaining exercises if done with good form and a full range of movement.  

Offline sadgyneguy

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i doubt bulding your chest will make your gyno worse.  I think its just that judging from your other posts on the forum you worry far too much about your chest.  I know lots of guys think that if there chest gets bigger then it will look worse but that is rarely true.  A larger athletic chest with gyno looks far better than a relatively flat chest with the same gyno.  I've seen your pics and I honestly think if you put on some more muscle on your upperbody then your gyno wouldn't look too bad at all and you'd probably feel a lot more confident.

thanks for that. will incline bench press help my current situation?

well before, i went to gym for the hope of getting rid of my gyne (well before i dont know that this is called gynecomastia and all i think is that this is just purely fat). then most of the times, i do flat bench press. as time goes by, i notice that my gyne is becoming more obvious... that's why im afraid of doing chest exercise once again :(


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