My doctor was Dr. Stefan Szczerba. I was getting Lyposuction done.
The night before surgery I was worried sick, not the fact of the surgery it self but of the general Anesthetia. So I watch lots of videos on Plastic surgeory, and basically read all teh surgery forums. The day of the surgery was set on 8:00 on 2/7/06 I was woke up, with a jaw ache unfortunatly. My mom and I drove from the suburbs to Chicago, to the UIC Hospital, we were late because of heavy traffic. 5 minutes into the waiting room, and I was called in, to get dressed for surgery. I found the socks very comforting
The Anesthiologist was very nice and hooked me up to iv, i didnt even feel the needle, infact that was the worst part probably. She said that right now I was only getting Medicine in me right now, then Dr. Szczerba came and started marking me up with a sharpie. That good medicine really relaxed me, or else i might of ran away, but the way i saw it, i needed to get rid of these boobies.
I laid back down on the bed and thats all i remember. I woke up with the nurse telling me that I was all done, I dont even remember going to sleep. I didnt get to see my doctor after the surgery or my anesthiolgist, I have to wait till Next Thursday for that. I really wanted to see teh after pic he took, I guess ill just have to wait till I takt eh bandages off myself. I was wrapped around in this stuff, forget the name and it wasnt a vest. Also, when I woke up, I didnt really feel any pain, I rated it as a 3. or liek most peope would say, a hard work out feeling. Later on it started to hurt, so i took them pain killers, back to normal. the pain killers also took care of my jaw. I also have a Sore throat, probably from the respirator, that I didnt notice.
So basically surgery was a sinch and I tell anyone who is ognna get surgery, not to worry at all, becuase they wont even notice. General anesthetic is the way to go and maybe ull get lucky and have a hot Anesthisologist like me
Now All I have to do is wait for my results. I hope the turn out great.