Heya all.
I've read some of the amazing information on this site, and it has come to my attention... That I actually live with this condition.....
I was about 13/14 when i hit puberty and I noticed my nipples were sore. I just ignored it... and after some time I had big puffy nipples with my left one bigger than the right.... I wasn't really concerned about it until about 16/17 when stuff like going to the beach with gurls and playing sports with the shirts off. I was completely embarest about myself. And I seriously Thought I had cancer. I didn't want to upset my mom or my dad to tell them I had cancer and time went on. I am now 20 and about a month ago I stumbled onto this site. I swore hard and fast in many different languages and found out I actually have some sort of tissue growing under my nipples. At this point in time my right nipple is bigger than the left and the matter is hard as rock. I am a very athletic male who weighs 187lbs at 6'3. I work out constantly to try and alter the look of my nipples for the last 3 years, but It hasn't improved... instead it got worse.. From I learned my growing muscle is pushing it outwards and making it look even bigger. There were many occasions where I got into trouble with the cops because a bunch of people made fun of my chest, and ended paying for it with a concussion or broken nose.
Anywayz..... I want to get rid of this condition and finally want to lead a normal life, without ever thinking about day to day about my puffy nipples when I wake up, work-out, or sleep...
I went to my family Doctor and she told me I don't have Gyno, go see a psychiatrist... she actually told me that my body is not symmetrical that my right side is stronger than the left.... I don't know how she missed the lumps under my nipples.
I heard I can get surgery to correct this problem... I am totally NOT scared of surgery, I've had two surgeries done to me from sport related injuries. Im sure from reading other posts that this kind of surgery would be an easy breeze in the air.
My question to you all is... What do I do now? Do I look for another family doctor and present my case to him/her? I've been with this doctor for 6 years, and showed her twice now. And she even wanted me to take anti-depressent drugs. I told her no of course, I don't want no drugs, and stormed outta her office.
Anyone have any suggestions? Anyone have a good doctor in London, Ontario Canada that I could see? A surgeon perhaps? Anyone?
Thx all