Author Topic: Very important for teenagers!!  (Read 1891 times)

Offline swe

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Dear all Doctors/Experts

I am 18 years old and have Gynecomastia (puffy nipples).

It is now a few years that its sitting there, and it has been growing through time.
I am a bodybuiler, but never used any kind of drugs such as steroids!

My question is, how long does it take for gyne to cure. Should teens such as me wait untill they are up to a  certain age? (what age??)

Looking forward to useful information! :)

Offline MRD

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Hey, before you read my post.....let it be clear that i am NOT an expert. What i tell you is based on my opinion of what i know from doing research on the topic of gynecomastia, through these message boards and other sources.

Gynecomastia is a common thing among teenagers and adolescents going through puberty. So it is usually advised for them to wait it out, exercise, and eat healthy until they get older.

Normally, gynecomastia resolves by the time an adolescent gets into his late teens, as hormone levels begin to balance out.  Typically, by the age 18-19 the body is finishing going through any major hormone changes.

So from what i think, If you are 18 and see no improvement in the condition, it may mean that it is not a temporary thing and you indeed have real gynecomastia, not just a case of the body going through some hormone changes.

So now the question, what do you do about this?
If it does not bother you, and you do not see this condition as a big problem to your self-image, do nothing. However, it is rare to find a guy that has absolutely no problem to live with this condition.

If you are 18 now and still see no improvement, and if it is really bothering you....then i would start saving up for the surgery. While saving up for the surgery, continue a steady routine of exercise and diet...and maybe the gynecomastia will still go away by the time you hit the age of 19. But if there is still no improvement by least you will know you have tried to get rid of it, and maybe by then you will also have a good amount of money saved up for the surgery.

Good luck.

Offline swe

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Thanks for the good information man!
I have enough cash for the surgery, although I just wanted to make sure until when would I have a chance of getting rid of this ;)
Do you know anything about the medical option?

Has steroids ever worked for you guys?

Offline Paa_Paw

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First off, Gynecomastia is a d--- nuisance  etc. but it is statistically normal and since it is not a disease; there never will be a cure.

Sometimes the condition runs in families,---- like mine for example.

The age figures given are pretty good if you are "Average".  Since the range of normal is very wide, you really need to know where you are in terms of physical maturity. A trip to the Doctor is the most important first step. A referral with an Endocrinologist is the best next step.

Good Luck
Grandpa Dan


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