Author Topic: Introduction an My Photos  (Read 6085 times)

Offline PTGYNO

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Hi all,

first of all, I'm new, and this is my first Post, and I would like to introduce myselft.

I'm 25 years old, and had gyno all my life, since I was a baby, belive it or not.

I think it's because of my father, that also has gyno, but my case is wourse.

But I passed college, schooll and university with no problems, cos I was always an atletic boy, there was a time I was playing in a soccer and a basketball team, at the same time, so all that training and games, put a stop to my gyno.

So I had no problems in having a t-shirt on, getting out, having girlfriends, nothing.

But this last 5 years, I've been working 24/7, and don't have time for gym, or any kind of training, so gyno is back at it's full throttle.

To give an idea, I have my own company, and I have a lot of reunions, business dinners, and all, and there's currently nothing I can wear, that will hide, my Gyno, and I can see other people see that something is not right on my cheast area.

So I'm getting king of shy, and not getting a lot out of my house, only for work. So it's afecting my personal live, business, my friends, my family, all.

So I started to search the web for my problem, I got to here, boy am I happy to see that I'm not the only one, and have now people to chat with.

So here is my photos, for now, and I would like to get some opinions from all of you.


PS: sorry about my english, I'm from Portugal

Offline **Gynefor**

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As far as I can see, there is absolutely no gyne.  I mean with the pics you've posted on this forum. Could you take side shots, front shots as well so that we can give you an objective opinion.
If I were you, I would go back to the gym, it will certainly help. I think it will. Wait for other opinions and you'll see ... But in my opinion, there is absolutely nothing to worry about !

Offline jc71

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Looks to me like you have softball size glandular tissue in there.  Maybe it's just the camera angle, but to me it looks bad.

Offline Worrier

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Yeah it's rather difficult to tell  the extent due to the angle. If you take a camera shot close up and from below focusing soley on the chest it will look bad.It is like using a magnifying glass.If you did the same with any body part it would look large.

It looks like you do have   some  tissue there possibly fat as the tissue seems to start further along from the nipple just under the armpits, I would say as well you might have got some breast tissue from puberty and the fat build up has made it more prominent . The last one gives it away. if you put up say a frontal and side pic a bit of a distance away it will be more certain if it is fat or gland or both.  

I would say a minor to moderate case, but I can't be certain due to the pics.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2006, 08:47:00 AM by Worrier »

Offline PTGYNO

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Thanks so far for the replys, this was quick.

About the angles, I had problems taken them, cos the ones taken far, and from diferent angles, wouldn't "speak the truth", so this ones do show the problem as it is.

As far as from fat, I'm not fat, never was, so I don't think this is fat, it is most gland as far as I can think.

Sure, not exercicing, should have build some fat there, but like I said, I did lot of training in the past, and I was only able to stop it, was never able to reduce it.

This was born with me, since my father also has, and I don't see any other way to reduce.

Here is the pics you guys requested, but they lie, if I were like this, I wouldn't be here, it's like in the mirror, when I look at myself in the mirror, I only see a flat chest, whem I look at me not using the mirror, I have like a 5 cm breasts, belive me.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2006, 09:27:49 AM by PTGYNO »

Offline Worrier

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Well I would say you have a very minor gland case now. No you're right you're not fat, I think it was just the close ups made things a bit unclear.

From the side you can't see anything. Mine looked a bit like that for a while after I lost weight except it was only in one nipple rather than two. Personally it's not very bad and I found that when I went to the gym and  pushed some weights incline bench presses etc mine is somewhat disguised and i can go swimming without too much embarrassment.No one looks either.  

You say you've slacked a bit on the training,  I would get down the gym and see how it looks in six months. You may not want to do that not everyone likes the gym. It really depends on you , surgery is an option, an excision should get rid of that  and you say it's affecting you in other ways . ...I'm sure other people will put their thoughts in as well.

Offline PTGYNO

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Thanks for the reply,

I have tried gym, no luck, like I said, I'm only able to stop it during training, but reduce it, thats a diferent story.

I'm thinking about surgery, but I have one big question, after surgery, will my body try to recover from the lost ? I mean, will it try to put back the gland ?

Thanks in advance

Offline **Gynefor**

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I persist in saying that I can't see any sign of gyne on you. Or if there is, it is minor case of gyne. And no fat indeed. If it is gyne, it is glandular.
I wouldn't think about surgery if I were you, honestly ! Your chest is just fine. Look at some other pics posted here and you'll see what gyne really is...

Offline hernan_corsten

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Hey man,  Your case looks like mine.  I lost weight, went from 175 to 150 and the problem still remains.  I't looks like your chestbones (ribs) concave in the middle a bit then stick out right behind the nipple.  That is my problem, I've got a ribcage that gives the illusion of gyne!  What sucks is there's nothing I can do about it.

Offline ddaavviidd

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I can see your gyno and yes u have it.    Don't believe these posts that say they can't see any gyno

Offline **Gynefor**

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I can see your gyno and yes u have it.    Don't believe these posts that say they can't see any gyno

David, I just wanted to let you know that the people who say they can't see any sign of gyne are no doctor, but they are just people who suffered or still suffer from gyne. Those people PTGYNO should not listen to are just answering a post and try to help a man who wonders if he has gyne. That's all.
And as far as I know, you are no doctor to tell him not to believe those who say there is no sign of gyne. I just say, in MY opinion (and it is just a matter of opinion here), there is no gyne. Now if PTGYNO wants to have a medical point of view, he knows what to do.
So please, in the future, be more moderate in your advice and words. Thanks.

Offline PTGYNO

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rob900, I have done gym, soccer and baskball for more them 6 years, and it never help it, but it did stop it, please read my previous posts.

So, for a boy that was born with a no fat cheast, and having my father the same problem, is kind of obvious that I have it to, no ?

Now hernan_corsten, said the following:

I't looks like your chestbones (ribs) concave in the middle a bit then stick out right behind the nipple.

yes you are right, that helps, but it's not the only thing poping my cheast out. So reducing it with surgery, will help a little bit.

Do you have photos that I can compare ?


Offline SC GameCOCKS

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I can see your gyno and yes u have it.    Don't believe these posts that say they can't see any gyno

From the new is HARD to see. Tho it might be viewable in person or by feel, I wouldnt worry to much about your "gyne"
8 years of suffering Mild gyne...
2 surgeries & $6,000 later....
         STILL PUFFY   :/

Offline aloe

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rob900 - What is your problem?  

Offline PTGYNO

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So far I haven't got any conclusions from the Posts, but I had my fun.

asmallmeasureofpeace you were funny man, thanks, I wonder if he shaves his balls/Nuts also.

Best to All.


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