Author Topic: New but Not New  (Read 2616 times)

Offline jd5195

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Hi Guys,

I have been lurking here for about 8 months.

I am not new to gynecomastia, I have had it since I hit puberty which is probably not big news here. I waited until I was im my mid 30's until I had surgery the first time. I am 52 years old now and had the first surgery 17 years ago. Along time ago and while it was not the dark ages, it was still well before they developed a very good method of doing this.

That surgery w/o any gland excision, except with lipo and canula was a very good job for a  long time. I never got to the point I could go w/o a shirt but I had forgot about it for the most part for a very long time.

I guess I should explain this, I never got to the point I did not "dress" every day after some time, but I was able to go on with my life about 80%. Sex and dating were still a large problem but I lived a "normal" life for some one with gyno. To just say this sucks for someone that had gone through surgery back than and I guess that shows the doctor did not do a good job with the gland.

Fast forward 16 years. I had been on a benzodiazepine (xanax) for over 10 years for general anxiety, (Never take a benzo long term) I could not get off it, I had to change to Valium and do a slow (7 month) taper to get off the drug.

I remember being young and having a friend tell me he had an uncle who had his breasts grow from valium and I swore I never would take it after my early experience with gyno. To cut to the story, I had to take the Valium to get off benzo's after being on them for 10 years.

Valium ( I was on it 7 months) caused my gyno to come back even larger than during puberty. If you have a history of gyno, never, never take Valium!!!!!!!

Apart from the gyno never take a benzo more than a week or so and if you have a choice never take one period, no if's and's or but's, it's a terrible drug!

So I had surgery 2 weeks ago and I am not a happy camper at all. Not from the drug but the doctor.

I came here to vent about the B.S this doctor did to me but I ran off to long already.

I will post soon about the joke of this doctor and surgery but I am plenty piiised off right now and need to chill out.

Offline blahblahblah

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  • Op done on the 1st of March 2006
All the best and i hope it is not as bad as you fear once all the swelling goes down

Offline rocketrob

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You must also vent your concerns to the Doc that performed the surgery on you.... He should be there to help and assist you until you are good and satisfied!!!   Trust me, I am sure he got paid for his work... he must be accountable for it as well!!

Good luck   Rob

Offline jones357

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How odd, my surgeon gave me valium to use post-op.

Me too, I have to pick up my perscription today. Screw it, I will just let myself get stressed out.

Offline ganjaman

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i use to use xanax recreational. does anyone know why these cause gyne im thinking i using GABA(amino acid) as a sleep aid but valium and xanax work on the gaba repceter in the brain so i dont know if i will. anyone know why it causes gyne

Offline jd5195

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The GABA suplement will do you no good, and it should also do you no harm.

Valium is the only benzo that I have ever heard of that can cause gyne. It messes up the hormones, why just valium? I have no idea.

As far as you guys doc's writing a valium script for you, a few days of valium use will not hurt you in any way. It is when you take it long term the really ugly stuff can happen.

A benzo will down regulate your natural GABA production and bind to the receptors. After a long term use (as little as a month) and discontinuation, it takes a very long time for the GABA to return to normal state working with the same receptors.

Offline ganjaman

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have you ever tried a gaba supplement?


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